Part 15

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The smell of the office made me sick and it wasn't comforting at all. Seungcheol and Jeonghan were right beside me in a chair waiting for the counselor. The rest of the boys were in the waiting room. I was playing with Seungcheol's hands which were interlocking mine. I hated this feeling. I just was waiting for the words,"Ara,there's something wrong with you." Or something like that. I knew that I was mental. I knew that I needed help. I just couldn't bare someone saying it to me. I heard the door clicked and Seungcheol and Jeonghan sat up perfectly straight. I saw a lady walk in that looked like she was in her 40s but she didn't look too old. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Park." She said with a welcoming smile. Seungcheol and Jeonghan introduces themselves and then I heard a voice talking directly to me,"And you must be Ara." I looked up and just nodded. Lately I just can't talk to anyone much. Not even the people I live with. I look back down at Seungcheol hands while I heard Mrs.Park sit back on her chair. "Well then, can I ask what's been happening Ara?" I looked up at her and just shrugged,"Can I wait outside?" I didn't feel comfortable in this room. I was itching to get out. "Sure. You can go wait outside with the others okay?"Jeonghan said calmly. I got up and went outside. I closed the door and breathed heavily. I walked to the waiting room to see all 11 boys either on their phones or sleeping. I sat next to Minghao and Dokyeom. "What happened Ara?" Dokyeom said while putting his phone down. "She's talking to them." I replied with no emotions. I can't stand this place.
Jeonghan POV
Seungcheol took a deep breath before explaining everything since the day we adopted her to today. Ara had left the room because I guess she didn't want to tell Mrs.Park anything. Mrs.Park seemed very mature and very kind. I hope she can help Ara. Ara's just been having a hard time lately. She barely talks or laugh. She's been having so many bad dreams and I guess flashbacks. I didn't even want to listen to Seungcheol as he explained because I knew how much it would hurt again. I wonder what this lady can do..."Oh you can bring Ara back now." The lady said making me flinch.
I watched DK's phone as Minghao slept quietly next to me. DK was playing some game on his phone that kinda looked interesting. It was amusing watching him struggle. He was funny in my opinion. I jumped when I heard the door and Jeonghan's head peeked out. He gestured me to come with a little nod. I jumped off my chair and went with Jeonghan Oppa with his hand tightly interlocking mine. I sat down quietly and stared at the woman's face with no emotion. "So Ara, do you still remember a lot before you got adopted?" She asked me while leaning forward. Well I have dreams and flashbacks so I guess. There was a quiet pause before I broke it," Well I have flashbacks and dreams." I murmured under my breath but surprisingly the Mrs. Park still heard it. "I see.  Do you miss them Ara?" I flinched at that question. I didn't know myself to be honest. I feel like I wanna see them but I absolutely hate them. I just shrugged not explaining what was going on in my head. I just wanted to cry in a small ball. I didn't want to talk to her. "Do you like your parents?" Mrs.Park said softly. I knew the answer clearly,"Of course not." A bunch of questions kept shooting at me and I answered with a nod or a shrug. Then she asked me one question I couldn't just shrug or nod,"Ara, can you tell me about a time you were scared of your parents?" I looked at Seungcheol who just gave a reassuring smile. I turned to look at Jeonghan and he just nodded. I decided to talk about one of the many that I could remember,"Well um one time, I was home alone and my parents were out drinking so I decided to hang out in the living room. I got bored and went to my parents bedroom to lay on their bed before they came home. As I lay on the pillow, I felt something hard under the pillow. I lift up the pillow and saw a big black that moment I heard the door open and I saw my parents come in the room. They saw what I was doing and-" I couldn't continue as tears were filling up in my eyes. I put my head down on my hands and quietly sobbed.
"I-I don't want to talk about this." I whispered. I felt a hand on my back rubbing in circles. I don't know if I should've told her that story or I should've just stayed quiet.

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