Part 30

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"Clear...." I heard sounds of mechanical objects rubbing against each other. "We're losing her. Come on. Stay with me Ara." I then feel someone pressing their hands against my chest. What are they doing to me? I noticed that I was completely out of my body. I could see myself lying there unconscious while the doctors try to resurrect me. What in the world? Am I dead? I look around to see doctors passing through me as if I was thin air. "Hello? Can you hear me?" I said as people were rushing pass me. No one seemed to have noticed me. "What? This isn't funny anymore!" Nothing seemed to happen. I ran over to my body and looked down at my unconscious self,"Oh my gosh. This isn't happening! Wake up!" I try shaking my body but my hands went right through it. I fell to my knees with no strength. "Am I really dead? I-" I heard a banging on the door. I saw Seungcheol's face smushed against the small window on the door. I ran through the door when I saw Seungcheol being held back by Mingyu and another two doctors. "Let go of me! I'm allowed to see what's happening! She's my daughter!" Seungcheol was struggling to get out of the hold of the people holding him back. I tried to get a hold of Seungcheol but I couldn't grab anything,"Stop please! Can't you hear me?!" Frustration built up inside of me with sadness. "Hyung, please we're in public. Let the doctors do their job." Mingyu begged as his arms weakened. Finally Seungcheol gave in and collapsed on the floor. The doctors ran inside the emergency room to help out with the operation. "Oppa! I'm right here! I'm fine!" Seungcheol sat there star struck with tears in his eyes. "Mingyu-ah. I don't know what to do anymore. I know I should have a solution but this time I don't. I don't know what I'm doing." Mingyu tried to help Seungcheol up,"Hyung, it's not your fault. Don't say those things." Seungcheol was limping as if he was on the battle field,"But she was in that room in pain and we were on the other side not even noticing." Seungcheol's sentence ended there. Mingyu and Seungcheol exited through the double doors that leaded to all the members waiting with tension. "What's happening?" Seungkwan stood up with concern. Mingyu sat down Seungcheol on an empty seat near Dino,"They're trying to revive her but they're losing her." Everyone became silent. I ran in front of Dino,"Oppa! You can see me right! It's Ara! Come on, I don't wanna play this game!" Nothing happened. I looked over to Joshua,"Hey, Oppa! Why aren't you responding to me? Did I do something bad? I promise I won't do anything bad if you just stop pretending you can't see me!!" Nothing changed. My anger was overwhelming me. Wonwoo was shocked with the situation,"Wonwoo! Let's go home! Come on! We still haven't finished that book about those two lovers! We can even buy those chips we always share!" Wonwoo was still shocked. A sharp pain strikes my head. Aish... Before I can call out for help, everything went black. I was falling deep in an endless pit. No known person on the bottom to catch me. The feeling as the wind go through every inch of my body made me feel safe. I felt the bottom of the pit coming. I closed my eyes for safe landing. The minute I felt the contact between me and the bottom I opened my eyes. I wasn't on some hard rock or a pile of grass. I was on a hospital bed. "What?" How did I end up here? It was 11:23 am and the sun was shining bright through the window. "I see you have woken up from your three week coma Ara." A doctor said as he walked in the door. Ara? Who's Ara? Three weeks? I was in a coma for three weeks? "Who are you and where am I? What happened to me?" The doctor stopped in his tracks. "Ara, who are your guardians?" Who in the world is Ara? How would I know her guardians? "Who is Ara?" I asked cautiously. The doctor breathed in deeply,"I didn't think this would actually happen." The doctor came closer to my bed and bent down next to me, "Ara, you have lost your memory. Your guardians are thirteen boys. You are about to turn 10 and currently being homeschooled. You are adopted. Your name is Ara, do you understand me Ara?" Is this a joke? Am I being scammed? Kidnapped? "How do I know you're telling the truth?" His eyes were searching for a solution. "I'm a doctor. I am not supposed to lie about a patient in urgent situation." My breathes got a little steadier but I could still hear the panic in my breathes. "Whenever your guardians come, I will explain to them what is happening okay?" The doctor said slowly so I could understand. "Will I be able to go home today?" I asked knowing this hospital room was stuffy. The doctor looked around the bed and on the charts placed around the room. "Your condition has been progressing very efficiently. The estimation for your coma was one year but it only took three weeks. I suppose you will be release after some tests which won't take very long. While we're waiting for your guardians, shall we do the tests?" The doctor showed his soft side along with his cheerful smile. That must be why he is works with children. I nodded slowly still unsure. He got me a wheelchair and helped me on it. The doctor brought me to a room with different machines. "This is simple. You basically just answer the questions we ask and I'm sure you'll be fine!" He added as we went onto the first machine. The different tests were boring and tiring. I just wanted it to end. "This is the last one, Ara!" He could see my half open eyes could barely stay open. I nodded slowly. I stared at the last test and it was basically saying what I saw. It went by slow but easy. While the doctor was wheeled me back to my room on a wheelchair, I heard many deep voices in unison. "Ara!" I looked behind me to see thirteen boys running towards me. "What in the world is this stampede?" I said as I heard a bunch of stomping from the ground underneath. A boy with deep eyes and messy hair came up close to me on his knees next to my wheelchair,"Oh my god Ara! Are you okay? I'm so sorry-" The doctor put his hand on his shoulder and signaled that they should talk. Who are these people?
Seungcheol's POV
The doctor brought all the boys and I to a wall which was covering the view of Ara in the hallway. "There is some bad news I must share. I am afraid to say Ara has lost all of her memories. There was a rare chance of this happening so I didn't expect this. There are some things that are important. Since she is in a trauma stage, when those memories come it will effect her more than it ever did. When those things happen, it will be best to let her say what she is thinking. You may take her home today. Oh and try to take her to places where her memories were made good or bad to help her remember. I must go to my next patient now. I'm awfully late. The doctor left running into the hallway across the hospital. "Hyung, Ara lost all her memories. She doesn't remember us?" Seungkwan shuddered from the back. No. This isn't possible. It was just a bang to the head. This isn't true. I'm just a 23 year old trying to be a father.
HOW IS IT MY LOVES?! I hope you guys are healthy and safe and happyyyy. I'll try to update ASAP! Comment what you think might happen next!

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