Part 28

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My stomach clenched waking me up from a nightmare. I lean over to my side to check the time. It's 4:00 am. I hated to admit it but I was starving. I scanned my room to see if there were any snack conveniently lying around. There wasn't. I bit my lip and decided I needed something to eat. I think there was rice left over and soup in the fridge. Great. I rolled out of bed and went over to my door. I took a deep breath before checking if anyone was outside. It was dead silence. I turned on the kitchen light and the dining room light. I walked over to the fridge to get the soup and kimchi setting them gently on the table. I went to go get a bowl of rice also grabbing my utensils. I sat down silently. "Thank you for the meal." I whispered to myself. I ate as quietly as I could trying not to clatter the utensils creating more sound. I heard a door open quietly and my heart dropped to my stomach. I looked behind myself to see a shadow. I covered my mouth but all I saw was a tired Seungkwan. I sighed in relief. "Ara? What are you doing? It's 4 in the morning." He said as he stumbled on his steps. "I got really hungry. I had to eat." Seungkwan grabbed a cup of water and sat next to me. "You should have woken me up to eat with you." He chuckled. I nodded while eating. "Ara, do you like Mrs.Park?" I froze in motion. I placed my utensils on the table. My eyes tried to wander else where but I always ended up staring into Seungkwan's eyes. Do I like Mrs.Park? I mean she's a good person but every time she asks me a question I get uncomfortable and annoyed. Maybe I'm not the nice person. I realized Seungkwan was still waiting for an answer. "Uh I mean she is a good person." I spoke truthfully. I looked up to see he was still waiting for a decent answer. "But she isn't someone I would consider my friend." I picked my spoon and shoved a spoonful of rice in my mouth. He nodded trying to understand my perspective,"So Mrs.Park is a good person but you don't like her?" I thought for a while. I guess that's what I was saying. I nodded. "It's not her, it's me." Seungkwan understood. "You should eat slowly. I'm gonna put my head down." I continued eating slowly. Why did Seungkwan ask me that question? I heard Seungkwan snoring quietly. I went to the living room and grabbed a blanket and brought it over to Seungkwan. I stared at his blunt face sleeping peacefully and placed the blanket over him. I went back to my seat and continued eating. I sighed thinking about Mrs.Park. Her questions she used to ask me made me develop a hatred feeling for her. It was just uncomfortable telling a stranger everything on my mind. I shouldn't be rude though. I finished my meal and placed it in the sink. I gave Seungkwan a kiss on the forehead and went back to my room. I sat on my bed and realized it was 6:00. It took me two hours just to eat? I shiver feeling the cold air brush beside me. I sat there for another two hours just questioning myself just like Mrs.Park did.
Hoshi's POV
Everyone was awake and we decided to meet up in my room. I had to go wake up Seungkwan that was sleeping in the dining room strangely. I woke him up and he answered with,"Ara? Did you finish eating?" I bet he just had some dream or something. "Yah. Wake up. Remember about the meeting?" Seungkwan's eyes fluttered open and he looked shocked finding me. Did he think he was gonna find Ara? I left him and went back to my room where people were starting to gather. Last night, things were heated between me and Seungcheol. I regret saying those things to Seungcheol but at the same time I can't change anything now. Everyone was gathered in the room and I sat down on my bed quietly. "Okay, let's get this out of the way. So whoever wants Ara to have another counselor or get help professionally raise your hand." About six hands went up. "Okay, whoever wants Ara to get help from us because you think professional help isn't working raise your hand." The rest of the hands went up and it was obvious who had won. Seungcheol sighed loudly in defeat. "Alright it's settled. Let's go get ready. We have a schedule today." Everyone filed out of the room leaving me and Seungcheol. "Hyung, sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said yesterday. It just sl-" Seungcheol took a deep breath,"It's fine. It helped me remember my role as a leader. I'm sorry for being rude." I smiled deeply. Seungcheol put his hand on my back and left without another word. I collapsed on the bed. Thank God.
Ara's POV
I heard steps moving around outside of my room. They must've woken up. I rolled out of bed. My hand was on the handle but I didn't turn it when I heard Dino's voice,"Damn I cant believe Seungcheol handled it smoothly. I saw Seungcheol stay in the room too." "Yeah. I'm glad that we're not sending Ara to another counselor or something though." I heard Wonwoo's deep voice through the door. They were deciding if I should go to a counselor? My heart ached thinking about how everyone worries about me. I wish I was not a problem for at least a day. After thinking those words, a memory I wanted to forget came rushing towards me hitting me hard.
Hello Lovelys! How's the new update? Cliffhanger right? Well I have some news. I'm currently gonna be overseas for a month and I'm afraid I won't be able to update. I might be able to write every now and then but the next update won't been quick and soon. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Love ya <3

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