Part 5

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"And one two three four.." I hear Hoshi explaining as I started too see the blinding light. I was laying on a black couch in a practice room. I turned around to see everyone trying to learn a dance or something. Everyone was sweating and tired while they tried to perfect their dancing with Hoshi. I look at Dino who was the closest to me,"Oppa...." I said as I pulled myself off the couch to go to him. I was still very droopy and tired and the whole world was still moving to me. He turned around to look around trying to see who was calling his name when he finally looked down to see me with my arms wide out with my eyes half opened. He catch me in time before my energy ran out to walk anymore. He picked me and patted my head,"Sorry Ara, your oppas are practicing." I could hear his heavy breath from dancing so much. I groaned and hugged him tighter. I placed my head on his shoulder. "Oppa,are you too busy to sleep with me?" I asked quietly. His breathing got slower and he stood completely. I was too sleepy to barely notice though. Then I heard another voice saying,"Yah Dino! What's wrong with Ara?" I believe it was Hoshi. Dino snapped out of it and looked at Hoshi dumbfounded. I pretended to be in deep asleep. "O-oh hyung. Sorry I'll put her back on the couch. She just came up to me." He walked over to the couch and cautiously put me down. Dino pulled the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead,"I'll never be too busy for you Ara." He whispered in my ear. I got chills down my spine by how loud his voice was. I actually tried to stay awake thinking but since my eyes were shut trying to act like I was asleep I eventually fell alseep.
"Let's go then kids." A bunch of yays were heard around the place. I finally brought my head up to see all of us on the streets at night. I saw that Wonwoo was carrying me. I looked around to check my surroundings and Wonwoo noticed I was awake,"Hey Ara. We're going to the convenience store okay?" I nodded slowly and put my head back on his shoulders. I could feel the cold air breezing through my hair. After a few more steps we finally arrive at the convenience store. Everyone stormed in getting all of their favorite snacks. Me and Wonwoo went to chips sections to get some chips."Do you want that one?" Wonwoo asked as he pointed at a bag. I nodded while Wonwoo stepped forward to get it. Wonwoo scanned the variety a little longer until he finally found the one he wanted. We went to the counter to pay and we waited for the rest. I saw Seungkwan trying to impress everyone with his English word of the day. In another corner I saw Minghao dabbing with Vernon. I was really surprised I guess. Seungcheol came up to us,"Wonwoo, do you want me to carry her? You must be tired." Wonwoo looked up from his phone,"Ah okay my arms are gettting sore anyway." I alternated to S.coups. I hugged his neck to look the opposite direction towards outside. I saw a drunk man with alcohol in one hand. He looked like dad. He was limping here and there until he gave up and just fell down on the sidewalk. "LETS GO HOME!!" I heard Seungkwan yell. I could feel everyone giving him a glare for how loud he is. Everyone had plastic bags except for Scoups. As soon as we got outside I was already getting frostbite. Then as we were passing by the drunk man he yelled,"Yah! Kids come back here and fight me right now you punks." My stomach turned and I got nervous."Keep walking. Don't turn around or respond." I heard S.coups whispering. We tried to ignore the guy but he just kept following us,"HEY! CANT YOU HEAR ME!" I just wanted to curl up in a ball. Then I heard a groan. S.coups turned around to see Jun on the ground. Omg..."Hyung!" I heard Minghao and DK hurrying over to Jun's side. "Can you just leave us alone you sick person?" S.coups said with his voice full of confidence. The drunk man walked up to us,"So what? Should I take your little girl too?" Everyone stood quietly. A hard slap broke the silence. Seungcheol slapped the man across the face. "Shut up old man and leave." The man returned his attention to Seungcheol,"Aishhhh this kid. You're really getting on my nerves now." The man got up and ran to us. He brought his hand up to slap Seungcheol but instead I felt a harsh sting on my cheek.. I just took the slap for him..I went a little closer to Seungcheol and I got slapped instead. I felt like my world was spinning around in circles. "Ara!" Seungcheol yelled next to my ear. My head was killing me. I look down to try to contain my conscious. Then I felt that I was being thrown to someone. I look up to see Joshua holding me in his arms instead of Seungcheol. What... I look back to see Seungcheol getting ready to fight,"You really did it this time. You should've just left when I said so." He stared into the guy's black eyes. I saw Jun trying to stop Seungcheol but he just got pushed aside. Then I saw Seungcheol throwing the first punch and everything started in a blink of an eye. S.coups was dodging and punching. He looked so different than usual. To be honest I actually felt terrified of him. Joshua couldn't handle the scene and he turned to look the opposite way. He was shaking just like me. I couldn't see anything accept from Joshua's white shirt. He pulled me into his embrace and didn't let go. "I'm so sorry Ara..You didn't have to go through that you know." He whispered. I could still here the violent scene going on behind Joshua. After some more grunts and finally heard,"Stop hyung! That's enough now!" Dino yelling. I sighed in relief knowing it's done. I really couldn't stand the sounds anymore even with my hands over my ears. I could hear S.coups panting as he got up."Let's go." I heard him say as he passed by me and Joshua to lead the group. I picked up my head to look over Joshua's shoulder when I saw Dino,Jun,Minghao,Wonwoo and Mingyu but what was behind was horrible. I saw a beaten up man that was on the floor groaning with lots
of blood on his body. I gasped and quickly closed my eyes. No..why do I feel like I was in the position one day?
Hey lovelys!! How are you liking this fanfic so far? I hope I'm doing good for you guys. If not plz message or comment. Stay healthy and eat well everyone!!'

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