Part 18

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"Come on, let's not be late." Seungcheol said as we all went on the van to Incheon where MAMA awards were being held. The awards were tonight and it was 8 am in the morning. We had a bus that held all fourteen of us and gave us plenty of space. We all sat in a row by ourselves and I sat in front of Jeonghan and behind Mingyu. I put my backpack beside me and just looked out the window. I was tired and drowsy so I just rested my head against my arm. The bus went silent knowing everyone needed their rest. I sighed and decided that I need my rest too.
I woke up surrounded in darkness. It felt familiar and I didn't know where I was. I tried to feel against my surroundings for a clue and it hit me. The closet at my old house. I knew I was in trouble knowing the closet was known for punishments. I heard outside the door a bottle shattering. I heard footsteps. Someone's coming. I tired to find a hiding space in the dark but it was no use. The light shined in and my dad's grin gave me horror. "Come here now Ara." He said as he got a bottle that was empty. He looked like he was ready to throw it against my head. And I was 100% right. I didn't want to move but I was forced out by my dad's aggressive pull. I yelled waiting for a pain against my head. No this can't end like this. NO!
"Ara. We're here. Are you okay?" I saw Jeonghan shaking me on the shoulder. It was a dream or was it a flashback? I didn't care. I just threw myself against Jeonghan's chest and hugged him tight. I cried silently. Jeonghan must've been too shocked for words. He just patted my back as he picked me and out of the bus. I just kept sobbing into his shoulder as he carried me. "Hyung, what happened?" I heard Dino ask. Jeonghan just sighed, "Let's not talk about it right now." I buried my face in Jeonghan's shoulder and just wished that I was at home. I mean if I had a home. We walked to a big building where MAMA was gonna be held. Seungcheol and the manager lead us to our room. It was filled with coaches, mirrors, tables and etc. Everyone flopped on the coaches and chairs. Jeonghan let me down carefully on the couch right beside Minghao. My cheeks were itchy and red from my tears. I rested my head against Minghao and he just patted my back. "Okay, let's get started. The awards start in about 2 to 3 hours so let's not waste time." I heard the manager yell. Everyone got up to get ready. "Sorry Ara, I have to get ready. I'll be back." He kissed my forehead before leaving. I was on the couch by myself watching everyone run all over the place. An hour passed and they were all ready with their makeup and outfits all on point. I smiled at them and they smiled back. Jun held out his hand and I took it. We went backstage where a bunch of people were getting ready and testing their mics. The boys were about to go on stage in about 10 minutes and I knew they were nervous. Seungcheol was looking around for someone. I looked around to see who he was looking for and it was the band named Gfriend. I seen them before once. "Oh can you guys watch Ara while we go on stage?" Seungcheol asked while looking at me. One girl smiled widely,"Of course!" Jun released my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. He bent down to my level,"Ara, we will be right back okay? Don't worry they are safe." He said before leaving me behind with Six girls. The tallest girl bent down to my level,"Do you wanna hold my hand to see your dads?" She held out her hand and I had to trust her. Her hand was soft and milky white. We all walked over to the see all of Seventeen performing and smiling..My eyes sparkled and I squeezed my hand that interlocked with the girl's hand. I can't believe those are the people that saved me. I'm so thankful. "Do you want me to carry you?" The girl said while catching my attention. I hesitated but nodded. She picked me up easily and I had one arm around her head still not taking my eyes off of my dads. My eyes started getting drowsy and I knew I was tired. You know that feeling after you cried your eyes out and you just feel like sleeping? Well that's exactly what I'm feeling like. "Unnie.." She hummed in response. I looked at her and she started getting blurry,"I'm sorry but I think I'm getting tired. Can you wait until Seungcheol Oppa is done-" My head dropped to her shoulder. I wrapped both of my arms around her neck and hugged her tight. The girl also known as Sowon was shock but she hugged her back. "Sleep well Ara. I know you've must've had a hard time." Sowon whispered. She rubbed Ara's back and looked back at the rest of her group who just smiled in jealousy.

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