Part 10

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I sit in silence with Dino hearing the bathroom door open and close. We sat in silence for minutes now. That let me process what just happened so far today. "Do you wanna eat something? You must've missed lunch." Dino said as he broke the silence. I looked at my hands and nodded slowly. Despite of the situation I was starving. Dino got up and walked all the way to the kitchen. I heard some plates and rattling of metal. Then I heard the stove turn on. Ramyun? I heard water from the faucet running into the pot. Yep I'm pretty sure that's ramyun. I waited patiently knowing Dino must be thinking about something. I heard footsteps coming my way and I titled my head to see who it was. It was Woozi. Woozi was probably the nicest to me. He sat on the couch next to me and sat me on his lap. I lean my head on his chest and pretended that this was normal even though he loved cuddling. His chest was warm but cold at the same time. I could feel Woozi's sympathy. It's okay Woozi Oppa. I'm okay. I said in my head. "Are you tired Ara? Do you wanna watch cartoons?" I shrugged emotionless. Woozi reached over for the remote and clicked a button that automatically turned on the tv to a cartoon. I couldn't focus on the cartoon but I wanted to. I sighed and looked at the kitchen. Dino was still adding eggs and seasonings. I was more excited for the food to be honest. I watched the cartoon and tried to understand what was going on. The cartoon was kinda funny but I barely laughed. See, I'm not the average nine year old you'll always think I am. Woozi sat there still with me in his lap. Woozi laughed quietly. "Hey Ara. It's ready." I heard Dino yelling from the dining room. I jumped off Woozi's lap and waddled down to the dining room where I see Dino sitting down and beside him is a pot of ramyun. I sat beside him and looked at the steaming pot of ramyun. "Are you going to eat with me Oppa?" Dino laughed,
"Ara, I made it for you. You can eat it all." I felt guilty. I didn't want to be selfish and eat it all. "Oppa share it with me or else I won't eat it at all." I said with confidence. Dino just stared blankly at me. He broke out into a smile,"Fine. I love how stubborn you are Ara." He got another pair of chopsticks and he ate with me. After a silent time, it was all empty. I was full and I bet Dino was full too. My head was starting to hurt and I saw memories of....scary things. I gasped loudly and Dino jumped,"Ara? What's wrong?" I shook my head. My head was spinning uncontrollably. I slammed onto the table with my chopsticks,"Oh my god.. HYUNGG!" Dino yelled but it started to get fainter, I heard Jeonghan and Woozi running to the dining room,"ARA!" I was cradled in Dino's arms until the last thing I saw was Seungcheol running to me.
OMG GUYS WTF HAPPENED?? This chapter was pretty short so sorrryyyy! Stay tuned for the next chapter lovelys❤️❤️

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