Part 14

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I was at the kitchen table with my hair still wet from my bath waiting for my meal from Mingyu. I was shivering while having a cold pack on my forehead. I rested my head on the table and just sat there thinking about what happened in the bathroom. What has gotten in me? Should I tell someone about this? I don't what to do..I think the right thing to do is to tell someone later. Yesterday was very emotional and I don't need another breakdown when I'm sick. My head was too tired to even function right now. I just needed food and my bed. I soon heard Mingyu coming to the table with a huge pot and he set it on the coaster. "Eat a lot Ara. This will help your cold." He said while rubbing my back. I nodded and picked up the spoon and dug right in. I swear Mingyu's food tastes the best. When the other members cook, their food taste like burnt toast.  It was some chicken soup and it tasted simple but I loved it. I have a really simply taste I guess. Mingyu just sat next to me examining the types of medicine we had stored in a little container. I just kept eating trying to resist the urge to tell Mingyu. When my bowl was empty and clean, I went to the sink and dropped it off. I went back to my room and jumped to my bed. I pulled my covers over me and just stared at the ceiling. I really need to just rest today I guess. I closed my eyes waiting for my dreams to come slowly.
I was in my old room at my parents house and I wouldn't really consider it as a room. It was more like a walk in closet. I was locked in here because of my "incident" that happened in Grandmother's house. I was still covered in blood but I had to come in here or I knew it would get worse outside my room. I was cuddled up in a ball waiting for the blood to just dry out. I could hear my parents outside ranting about me. Please, I wanna know what I did wrong. Please accept me. I forced my hands over my ears to muffle the harsh but maybe true words. Make it stop.
I was covered in sweat and I was forced awake by my dream. I need help right now. I can't live like this anymore. I ran out my room to bump into a grown man and a grown woman. I was knocked down to the floor. "Are you okay Ara?" The low voice said while trying to reach his hand out. "Who are you? How do you know my name-" my vision got clearer. I could remember those faces anywhere. This has to be a dream. They had a sinister smile stretched across their face. "Why are you here?" I couldn't believe it. My parents looked worse nowadays."Sweet baby, we came to get you back." No. No way in hell am I going with them. This can't be real. Get me out. I screamed frightened to even look at their faces. "Leave me alone!" I smacked his hand out of my face. I could tell that was kinda rude but I didn't regret it at all. "Ara. Don't talk back to me." His voice was steady and stern. "Just get away from me! Don't get any closer to me." I was still on the ground and I tried to scoot away from them. My mom was watching the whole situation like a movie. She just needed some popcorn and the picture will be complete. My dad tried to reach out for me one more time and the only thing I could do was scream.
I woke up covered in sweat. This is real life right. My chest was huffing and puffing. Right after I tried to catch my breath, Mingyu came rushing through the door with worried written across his forehead. "Ara? Are you okay? You were screaming and-" He got interrupted when he saw my tears fall one by one. He came to bed and pulled me to his chest. "I think it's time we meet a counselor Ara."

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