Part 19

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"Ara~ Wake up. We should go eat breakfast." I heard someone coo. I managed to open my eyes to see Mingyu and Jihoon shaking me. I was in a bed at the hotel. Ugh my head hurtsz What happened last night?
~Flashback in Seungcheol's POV~
The lights went out meaning the stage has ended. We scattered off the stage and I saw Ara in Sowon's arms sleeping peacefully. I ran over to her. "Ah! Thanks for watching her for us! She fell asleep?" I asked while grabbing Ara out of her arms. She must've been tired. Physically and emotionally. I tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at her little bags under her eyes. "No problem! She must've been tired though." Sowon looked at Ara with a smile. I bowed to her and went to the waiting room. I put Ara down on the coach and went to get ready to leave.
~ End Of Flashback~
I was in a hotel room with Jihoon and Mingyu putting on their masks and sunglasses. "Why don't you go wash up and brush your teeth? We'll wait for you." Jihoon said. I crawled out of bed and waddled down to the bathroom. I wash my face and brushed my teeth quickly. I saw what I was wearing and it was different from last night. I was wearing I think Jihoon's oversized sweater with some leggings. I stepped out of the bathroom to be swept of my feet by Mingyu. I was startled but I laughed. I could tell Mingyu was relieved by my smile. We went out and downstairs to eat breakfast. When we arrived we saw everyone already in a reserved area just for us. I smiled even though I was tired and I wanted to go home. Mingyu brought me over to the food aisle that was filled with all of the breakfast foods you can think of. I got down out of Mingyu's arms and looked at everything and stared at awe. Jihoon giggled,"What do you want Ara?" I just wanted something simple. "Hmm I want yogurt and cereal!" I pointed. Jihoon nodded. "Okay,why don't you get the yogurt while I pour your cereal?" I agreed to his deal and ran to get the yogurt. On the way to get the yogurt in the small refrigerator I bumped into a huge guy that was with a lady. I fell onto the ground and left out an Oof. "Ara, is that you?" I knew that voice. I didn't want to look up. Is this a dream? I looked up to see two sinister smiles that I won't ever forget. "Oh my. Doesn't my little baby look so different?" Mom and Dad agreed in unison. I hissed,"Stay away from me." They laughed,"We missed you so much. Don't you wanna play hide and seek like the old days? Or peekaboo?" Dad said as he bent down. Hide and seek? More like run away from crazy parents. "Come join us again Ara. Oh yea Grandma can't stop us. I mean she isn't even here anymore." Mom let out a loud laugh. I was terrified and shaking. "So let's go back home Ara." Dad held my arm and pulled it hard almost pulling it out of socket. I tried to resist but the only respond that I got back was a slap on the cheek. "Who told you that you can resist? You're not anything Ara." My Dad said as he was gonna slap me again. I felt someone pull me aside.
Jihoon's POV
I was pouring Ara's cereal when I heard a deep threatening voice. I tried to ignore it thinking it was some messed up family. My heart stopped when I heard Ara's name. I dropped the cereal and ran to get Seungcheol. I went to the reserved area out of breath,"Ara! Go find Ara! She needs help!" Everyone jumped out of their seats and ran to find Ara. We saw her and she wasn't alone. A couple was obviously threatening her. Seungcheol hyung has to do something. He ran to the man who had his hands on Ara's shoulder and was pulling her. Seungcheol hyung pushed the man away while Jeonghan hyung pulled Ara away. Who are these sickos?
Ara's POV
Someone pulled me away from my dad and someone jumped on him. It was Seungcheol Oppa! Someone pulled me away and put me in a hug making sure I couldn't see anything in their chest. I could tell it was Jeonghan by his cologne. He was making sure no one could get to me. I was shaking too much. I didn't have control over my body. "Call the police! NOW!" I heard Seungcheol yell. I'm scared. Jeonghan could feel me shaking and he tried to carry me away from the scene. He carried me over to the reserved area and put me down on the table. He let go of me and searched my body to check for scars but I tried to resist. Jeonghan was surprised I was resisting and backed up. I was in tears,"Oppa. I'm scared. Please don't hurt me." Jeonghan looked terrified. I couldn't handle anyone right now. I was scared of everyone. Even the people that saved me lives because I was lost. I was confused. I was scared.

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