Part 7

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"Come on Ara! Let's go!" All the boys cheered as we were about to climb in the car. I tried to cover my nervousness with a smile,"Oh okay." I  sat beside Mingyu and Seungkwan. I was actually shaking. I tried to stay calm and put on my poker face. "Are you excited for your first day of school Ara?" Mingyu asked beside me. I looked up at him,"Uh yea I guess." I responded awkwardly. Mingyu knew that I was lying so he looked straight into my eyes,"I'm sure you'll be fine. But if it doesn't then you have 13 boys to back you up." He ended with a cheerful smile. It made me feel a little better to be honest. I nodded and I just realized that we finally arrived. "Have a great day Ara! Don't be scared. Make lots of friends. Listen to your teacher. Be nice. Don't let anyone bully you or make fun of you okay? I love you Ara." S.coups and Jeonghan said before I got out of the car. "Okay,I love you too Oppas." I said quietly but I actually really meant it this time. They all gave me hugs and 'I love you'. I was really going to miss them. As I got out I took a couple of steps before,"Don't be sad Ara! We'll miss you a lot but just remember we all love you no matter what happens!" I heard 13 voices yelling. I turned around to see everyone poking their heads out and some even crying. I felt my eyes water and I smiled,"Don't forget about me Oppas! I love you a lot. I'll really miss you! I'm sorry that I'm not perfect!" I yelled back before I waved. This little confession time was very emotional for me. I had to go inside so I turned around and walked into the school. I saw so many kids that I didn't recognize at all. I decided to just keep my head down and keep walking to my class. I went into the class and went straight to the back and sat down without looking at anyone. I heard whispers like,"Isn't she adopted by Seventeen?" "She's doesn't deserve that at all." I heard them but I stayed clueless. I kept thinking about the words everyone said. "Hey!" I look up to see a boy and a girl. "I'm Naeun!" The girl said as she put out her hand. I awkwardly took it and she shook it very firmly. "I'm Ara." She just smiled. She had short brown hair and black eyes. Is she one of those fake friends?? I looked at the boy and he kinda looked shy. "I'm JiHun." The boy said with his eyes somewhere else. "I'm Ara." He kinda looked familiar. "Do you know Monsta X?!" Naeun said loudly. I nodded,"Well that's where JiHun's brother is!" Ohhhh that makes sense. I think one time I saw him backstage with them. That's when the teacher came in and the class started.  Then another bell rang and it was time for lunch. I had to go use the restroom so I went the opposite way. I went into the stall and locked myself in it. I had to admit I was so nervous I couldn't stop shaking during class. I sat on the toilets and tried to steady my breath. "Ugh that class was so long." I heard three girls enter the bathroom. I put my feet on the toilet to act like I wasn't there. "Yea true..Hey have you heard about the new girl?" All of them giggeled."Yea,I heard she's an orphan and Seventeen adopted her!" Then they all started to crack up. "Her?!?! She's nothing special!!" I clenched my fist and I was ready to make them shut up. "Whatever, but if she keeps thinking that she's popular or whatever. We'll show her who's the real deal." Then they all left holding each other's hands. I let out a huge sigh and put my feet down. Wow it's only the first day of school and I already have people who hate my guts. I got out of the stall and went straight to the cafeteria. The minute I stepped I already made eye contact with the girls in the bathroom. "Oh are you the new girl?" The leader said I guess with a fake smile. I nodded and she went up to me,"Mess with us and you don't wanna know what happens. We will do anything to make your life miserable and we can start with your Oppas." She whispered to me. She smirked and hit my shoulder. I was left dumbfounded. Wow...They're really clueless.. I just let the whole day pass by until it was the end of school. The bell rang and I told my friends bye as they left the room. I got my backpack and went outside where the cars are. I saw two familiar men. I squinted and it was Mingyu and  Woozi. I ran to them and they noticed me,"Ara!" Mingyu ran to pick me up,"I missed my princess so much!" He kissed me on my cheek and I was just smiling like an idiot. I do admit I was thinking about them the whole day. "Oh HEY ARA!!!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked down to see the mean trio. Mingyu put me down and I looked at her,"Do you need something?" I said with an eye roll. I could tell she was annoyed but she hid it with her fake smile. "Today was great with you! Your like my new best friend! I'll see you tomorrow!" She quickly hugged me and while she was hugging me she pulled my hair. "Oops my bad." She turned around and ran to her car,"Bye best friend!!" Omg...Was that really the girl from the bathroom? "Who was that Ara?" Woozi asked. I turned around to face him,
"Oh umm someone." I said as I looked at my feet. I could tell Woozi didn't buy my excuse. "Come one let's go to the car! Everyone was waiting." Mingyu said as he pulled my hand. I ran with him all the way to the car. I saw the black van and the door and Jeonghan came running out,"MY AEGI!" He pulled me into his embraced and I did miss my Eomma a lot. Then I felt a bunch more people joining the hug and it turned into a groups hug. We all released and went into the car. I sat with DK and Vernon. DK was holding my hand the whole time and I honestly kinda liked it. I wonder what the fake girls will do. I don't even know their names! What did they even want from me? They're only 9 just like me so why do they act like their 16? So much drama...I sighed and looked down at my interlocked hand with DK,"What's wrong Sugar?" I noticed DK was staring at me the whole time,"O-oh nothing at all." I said with my head down. I just hope this school year passes by quick.
How are you guys doing? I have like a whole list of events but I don't know how to put them in order😅 I'll figure it out soon. Eat well and get lots of rest everyone! Love ya!

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