Part 23

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I wake up to a familiar scent filling my lungs. I couldn't breath steadily as I saw my surroundings. I had a mask on which made me suffocate even more. I saw doctors with mask and glasses making my heart beat faster. "Get one of her guardians. She needs to know she's safe." I saw one doctor rush out returning with Hoshi. He had a mask one but I could recognize him with his signature eyes. "Shhh it's okay Ara. I'm here now." He slowly whispered. He held my hand tightly while staring deep into my eyes. Why am I here again? The doctor looked at me and then at Hoshi. He tapped on Hoshi's shoulder and signaled him that they needed to talk.
Hoshi's POV
The doctor lead me outside where all the boys were pacing around the waiting room. The all stopped in their tracks when the saw me. The doctor looked at all thirteen of us and took of us mask,"I have some news regarding Ara. She is currently mentally unstable and we need her to stay here for a few days before she gets discharge." My knees were weak and I collapsed on my knees. I looked around to see everyone stunned,"Just please take care of her. Can we visit her everyday?" I managed to say despite my current state. We were all exhausted and tired. We all looked terrible and were in desperate need of rest. "You can visit her during visiting hours." He said with a monotone voice. I nodded and bowed. He went back inside the room and checked back on Ara's condition. Everyone was stunned and half of us were on our knees. I wiped my tears and tried to take my role as the Performance team leader,"L-let's take shifts. The vocal team can stay first and then hip hop team and then performance team. The rest of us need to go home and rest.." There was an uncomfortable silence as everyone was trying to process what was going on. I looked beside me to see Seungcheol staring off in the distance on his knees. "Hyung, let's go home." I slowly tried to pick him up but before I could touch him he broke down. We all knew he couldn't last much longer before his guard went down. He was sobbing and I waited a good 15 seconds before I slowly tried to pick him up and bring him home.
Ara's POV
The doctors left me all alone in this hospital room. I sitting up and looking at my hospital robe. I heard I had to stay in this hell hole for a couple days which made me shiver. I heard the clock slowly tick clearly. The silence was interrupted when a knock was made outside the door. I saw the whole vocal team stick their head in and piled in the room one by one. My face slowly lit up but I noticed their eyes were swollen and their skin was as pale as the bland walls of the room. "Hey Babygirl. Do you need anything?" Vernon asked with his signature smile. I stared at him,"I'm fine. Just a little tired.....You should go home and rest. Visiting hours end soon anyway." Everyone looked at each other and realized that I was right. They all stepped forward to give me hugs and kisses before leaving. Seungkwan was up first and he had his head high,"I'll see you soon." He gave me a big hug and he was shaking. I gave him a weak smile knowing he was crying,"Don't cry Oppa. I'll be fine!" He smiled softly touched by my words. DK came closer and patted my head,"I'm sorry that this is happening to you. Stay strong Ara." His eyes were so watery I didn't even recognize him anymore. The smiley guy I always relied on is not present. Joshua was next and he squeezed my hand,"Don't feel lonely Ara. I'm here for a reason." Woozi stepped forward and was shivering. He didn't look like the "savage" type everyone sees him as. He had quiet tears and whispered,"I'm glad you're okay. Get better Ara." Jeonghan was next. He was already sobbing. "My poor princess, I'll visit next time okay?" I nodded to all of them and they all left. The room was empty and quiet. I could hear the silent movement of the winds outside my window. It was already dark and I could clearly see the moon. I thought about everything that happened in the past days. My mother, my father, the boys, and many more. I just hope it'll get better. I just wanna be normal. I don't wanna spend my days in a hospital. I want to be in my Oppas' arms. I sighed at the thought that I was all alone. I had no one right now. That was how it was for nine years yet at this moment it throbbed my heart even more knowing this is all my fault. I heard my heart beeping fast on the machine and all I heard were doctors running in the hallway. The sound muffled and I was out cold.

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