Part 6

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I have to admit,I couldn't sleep at that night. I was staring at my white ceiling for like 20 minutes now. It was 11:35 right now and I was wide awake. I kept imagining about the image I saw of the poor man. I touched my cheek and remember the feeling of the painful sting. I sighed loudly and sat up straight. Why do I feel pity for the man even though he slapped me? I couldn't get that one question out of my head. My head was truly spinning in circles. For a split second I had the worst assumption ever..I was the old man and S.coups was my parents.. I shook off the thought. No,S.coups was just protecting me. I slowly closed my eyes when suddenly I heard the something loud like someone slamming a door or hitting a table. I eyes shot open and I quickly got out of bed. Omg what was that! I quickly went to the door but I got cautious with the door to make sure to open it slowly. I went in the hallway with light steps until I got into near the dining room where every single person was. I hid behind a wall to just over hear the conversation. "That man was such an asshole!" I heard S.coups shouting. Woozi snapped,"Don't be so loud or else Ara will wake up." I heard S.coups sitting back on his chair. "Why did you beat him up so bad though?" Joshua asked innocently. Jeonghan sat back,"True,but he did slap Ara and pushed Jun." S.coups was still shooting glares across the table when suddenly his face got more relaxed,"Oh thanks for catching Ara so fast too when I threw her Josh." Joshua nodded in return. There was a 5 second pause of awkward silence,"Hyungs...Do you think one day Ara will think we're not there for her? Do you think she's gonna grow up lonely?" Dino asked awkwardly. Everyone stood still and held their breath. "What? What happened to make you think that Dino?" Vernon asked. Dino
looked down to his hands,"Well remember when during practice she came up to me? Well she said something like 'Are you too busy for
me' or something like that.." A felt of pity was in everyone's hearts. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself to accidentally speaking or something. Hoshi sighed,"Hate to say this but I mean we barely have enough time for ourselves so what did you expect Dino? I love Ara and all but isn't she use to being lonely?" No, I did not just hear that. It's not true at all. I got startled by a slam on the table,"Ya you bastard! We adopted her to take care of her and not make her lonely! We're her guardians dammit!" S.coups was screaming on top of his lungs. Hoshi was shocked that he just said that out of his own mouth. "You must know nothing about me then. I went through the exact thing and I never told anyone-....what am I saying anymore? I'm sorry..I'm just having a stressful day hyung. I really didn't mean anything.." Hoshi was a completely different person. S.coups just sighed,"Don't pick fights like that Hoshi! You should really think before you say anything or else I'll punch your throat so you won't talk for a month." What is going on? Did Hoshi mean none of that or he meant everything? Maybe it was just a mistake."Yea sorry Hyung. I wasn't in my right mind." Hoshi sincerely apologized. Maybe he just had a breakdown or something. It was a tense atmosphere and everyone waited for it to become less tense and awkward." You know school starts next week right?" Jeonghan said. Everyone nodded,"Yea let's just enroll her to school tomorrow but let's get some sleep. And for you Hoshi think about what you said and make sure that never happens again." Hoshi had a face of pity and he nodded. Everyone started moving and I quickly went back to my room before anyone knew I was even there. I ran on to my bed and looked at the ceiling. School? Wasn't that basically hell? I was thinking about what just happened and before I knew it I fell asleep and went to my own nightmare dream.
This chapter was pretty short and also two chapters in one day yayyyyyyyyy. What did Hoshi mean by 'I went through this'??? Stay tuned for next chapter lovelys<3

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