Part 21

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I stared blankly at them with no reaction. I felt sick. Mrs.Park was in shock. Wonwoo eyes were wide and Seungcheol was horrified. Seungcheol went up to me and looked closely at my arms. "We need to go to the hospital right now Ara!" He was about to carry me bridal style but I stopped him. I shook my head,"I don't want to go to the hospital." I said slowly. Seungcheol looked at Mrs.Park and she nodded. Seungcheol sighed and ran to the bathroom with Wonwoo. It was just me and Mrs.Park. She walked over to my bed and bent down to me. "Ara. Why did you hurt yourself dear?" I didn't reply. I looked down at my arms that were bloody but they kinda made me calmer. I didn't make any eye contact with her. "Are you lonely? Are you scared?" Mrs.Park said slowly. Scared..I don't know what I am feeling but it hurts. I shrugged my shoulders a centimeter. Seungcheol came back with a bucket of water and a towel. Wonwoo had bandages and a first aid kit. They came to my side and started treating my wound. I just let them be and stayed quiet. This is all your fault Ara. Tears were falling once again. Seungcheol was gentle trying to soak up my blood of my arms. "I'm sorry Ara. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." My heart ached but I didn't respond. I was crying but it still looked like I didn't have any emotions. I still felt empty. I could tell the door was wide open and people were passing by to see the situation. My arms were almost completely dried up and I saw the cuts. I shivered at the thought that I actually made them. Seungcheol nodded at Wonwoo and it was his turn to start treating my wound. He opened the first aid kit and started dabbing with a cloth that stung. It took a lot of gentle dabs. He finished it up with a bandage that wrapped around my arms like a mummy. I had the urge to open the bandages and start cutting away but I had to stop. Seungcheol and Wonwoo cleaned up and had to leave. After the door closed it was once again just me and Mrs.Park. "Why did you cut yourself Ara?" She said as she sat on my bed. I looked at her once but just looked away. I shrugged. I don't know anymore who I can tell anything too. "When the incident happened, why were you scared of Jeonghan Oppa?" I remembered that. I pushed him away and resisted. It reminded me of Dad. "...Dad." I managed to say. I didn't want to think about it too much knowing it will give me nightmares. "Did Dad do something you didn't like?" Mrs.Park asked. I remembered the moments. The times where Dad got too close to me. I shut my eyes and looked down. I shook my head trying to erase the memory. My hands were on my head trying to get the memory out,"" I whispered. Mrs.Park tried to stay calm. "It's okay. You're safe now Ara."she pulled me into a hug and warmth filled my body. I let my hands drop to my side. I cried letting Mrs.Park know my weak side. I was still not in my normal state. But at least I could let out my emotions I guess.
Seungcheol's POV
Me and Wonwoo were in the bathroom cleaning up and I stopped. My head had so many things going on. The cuts Ara had. The blood. Her parents. "Hyung, are you okay?" Wonwoo said trying to get my attention. I shook my head,"Aish. Those parents caused all of this. I should've beaten him up more until he stopped breathing. That sicko." Wonwoo put his hand on my shoulder. I realized what I said and tried to calm down. "Hyung. I know what they did to Ara. They're gone now. We just have to help Ara with this now. She's the one that needs us." I knew Wonwoo was exactly right. I couldn't bare to see Ara hurt ever again. I sighed and agreed. I heard footsteps coming this way and I quickly looked up. It was Mrs.Park. She smiled,"Well, she shows signs of her past. Just like how when she tried to resist against Jeonghan-ssi. Well I have a prediction she was a victim of rape. That is why she can't have contact with men that touch her aggressively." Wait. What? Rape? She never told us about that..Anger built up inside of me but I tried to extinguish it. "That is why you guys should try approaching her slowly and carefully or her trauma will get worse. I must go now. Please take her to my office whenever she gets a little better." She nodded before leaving our dorm. I looked over to Wonwoo who was in shock. "Ara. Ara was raped?" Wonwoo stuttered. I don't know what to do. How can approach a person that has been hurt so much? She has too many scars but no one to treat them.

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