Part 8

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"Are you ready to go on stage everyone?" S.coups yelled as he was getting his makeup on. We were at music bank and everyone was scattered around the waiting room doing various things like getting their makeup done,practicing their vocals, or just messing around with each other. I was sitting on Hoshi's lap while he was getting his makeup done. Hoshi was making weird faces and I honestly was giggling my heart out. "Are you excited to see us perform?" Woozi said as he came over with his phone. I nodded,"Yea because I only seen you guys preform in the practice room." Woozi was excited to show Ara how cool he was. Woozi ruffled my hair before going over to the vocal team. "Okay you're done Hoshi." The makeup artist said to Hoshi. "Thank you very much." Hoshi pulled me off his lap so he could get ready. "Okay Ara. I got to go put on my clothes so go play with someone else." He said before rushing into the changing room. I huffed. What should I do then? I look around to see the vocal team practicing. Jun,Dino and Minghao messing around and laughing. Seungcheol was still getting his makeup on. Jeonghan was on his phone while Mingyu and Wonwoo were laying down thinking and talking. I'll go to Wonwoo and Mingyu then. I walked over to them and later next to Wonwoo on the couch. "Hey Ara. What's up?" Wonwoo said as he smiled. I shook my head,"Nothing. I'm just tired." I really felt like I was about to pass out any secound,"Then sleep here." He said as he patted his shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder and slowly dozed off.
"Bye Sweetie. I'll be right back to sleep with you." I felt someone kiss my forehead and I heard him leaving behind his foot steps. I couldn't open my eyes so I just went back to sleep.
"OMO SHE IS SO CUTE!" I heard a feminine voice yelling. What..?? I forced my eyes
open and saw seven girls staring at me,"Oppa? How was your concert??" I said while rubbing my eyes. My vision became clearer and I saw 7 girls that were really pretty and they were all trying to get really close to me. I kinda got scared. "We're right here Princess." I saw Jun coming close to me trying to get through the small crowd of girls. I put my arms out so he can carry me and I hugged his neck. "Ara this is Gfriend." Jun said as pointed at the girls. They all introduced themselves so innocently and angel like. They're so pretty though. The girl Sowon I think came to me and she put her hands out and I hesitated for a minute but I went to her and hugged her and let her carry me. All of the girls screamed and Sowon was smiling like an fool but she was cute. "I MISS MY BABYYY!" I heard someone familiar yelling. Jeonghan Oppa? I saw a pretty boy that went through the door. He ran to me and snatched me out of Jun's arms and swirled me around. I was giggling and happy to see my own Eomma again. I saw everyone else coming inside in a big crowd. "Oh what are you guys doing here?" Jeonghan said as he noticed Gfriend. "Uh we just came to see Ara. Jun lead us here." Yuju said as she stepped up. SinB looked at all the girls,"We should go girls. We have some stuff to do." All the girls nodded and  all went out saying goodbye to me one by one. I saw that the rest of the boys were just standing behind Jeonghan. "Oppa!" I yelled out to my boys. They all came running to me and Jeonghan and tackled me with a hug each. I was slowly getting closer with them. "Ara,wanna go eat?" Seungcheol said with a grin. I nodded rapidly. I was really hungry after a nap. "LET'S GO!" Boo and Hoshi yelled. Everyone turned around and started shooting death glares at the duo. They just blushed and giggled. Everyone was slowly getting ready while I waited with Seungkwan and Hoshi. I was playing with Seungkwan's huge hands while Hoshi was on his phone watching quietly. His hands were like three times the size compared to me.."Oppa why are you hands so big but my hands are so tiny?" I said as I stare at my little hands. Seungkwan grinned,"So I can do this-" He put his hands around me and lifted me up. "OPPA!" I yelled out giggling. Seungkwan was smiling like a fool and he just couldn't take his eyes off of me. "Are you guys ready?" Joshua said to us three while putting on his mask. "Yea." Hoshi said while stretching. We all went out through the back of the building to go to our van. I sat with Vernon and DK. My eyes were still droopy from the nap and the dark night just made me sleepier. I lay my head on Vernon and listen to car peacefully. I look down to see Vernon's veiny hands on his lap. I carefully hold his hands and see how big they are. I remember when Appa and Eomma use to hold my hand only around Grandma and Grandpa.. I guess they wanted to look good. But it still made me happy with both of hands not cold and empty. I wonder if Eomma and Appa hold hands more often now that I'm gone. To be honest I kinda wanna see Eomma and Appa to see if they are happier or just like normal. If they are happier, then does that mean I ruined their happiness. Did they think I was bad luck to them? All of these thoughts and questions overflow my head. I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. Luckily it was dark so no one could see. I didn't wipe my cheek this time knowing it will be less noticeable. Then I suddenly felt a light of flash went right past me."Ara? What's wrong sweetie?" DK whispered but I could still hear how worried he was. I turned to see Vernon sleeping peacefully while still holding my hand. I turned to DK," Nothing's wrong..I'm fine Oppa." I say while looking down. There was a long pause of DK thinking of what to say. "Ara. I know that's a lie. Just tell me what's wrong. It's not good to be lonely you know." The word lonely hit me hard. I turned to him," Oppa, do you think Appa and Eomma are happier without me. Do you think they still have to act nice around Grandma and Grandpa?" DK eyes soften. I couldn't hold back the pools of tears in my eyes. I let it all out with hiccups and quiet sobs. I couldn't control myself anymore at this moment. Why can't I just be a normal 9 year old? DK pulled me to his embrace and just waited and waited. "Do you think Grandma and Grandpa didn't want me either?" DK shushed me softly,"You don't have to worry about them anymore okay? What matters is that we want you and we love you. We are your real family Ara." DK whispered. I was still sobbing in his chest but I just realized about everyone else on. The thought just passed right through my mind and I felt my main emotion again. Loneliness.
Y'all I'm so emo these days like wtf is wrong with me I'm ded. Plz comment and vote plzzzz. Love ya cuties

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