Part 26

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I jumped out of the bed and waved goodbye to all the doctors who treated me like I was crazy. I ran out of the room straight into my true guardian's arms. Seungcheol caressed my hair and I hugged him tightly. I didn't care about this hospital anymore. I just wanted to leave ASAP. Seungcheol put me down saying,"Oh look Ara is this your friend?" I looked behind me seeing Dae. Every time I looked at his face my heart just saddens more and more. I walked up slowly to him. "See this is my family now. I'm sorry I have to leave but I never really liked it here. I hope you find a better family." He grinned and spoke with confidence,"Tch, don't be sorry. I'll find some other person to mess around with. And a family too." I smiled and he returned the look. I turned around and ran to my real family. The family I mess around with. I sneaked a look at him once more and waved with huge motions. He looks so happy but I don't think he really is inside. Seungcheol held my hand and asked,"So I see you made some friends Ara." I nodded. He grinned,"Well I'm proud of you. Let's go home to see everyone else. They really missed you." I smiled just thinking about them. We walked all the way home side by side like family are supposed to do.
The house sounded quiet but as we entered I heard whispers and obvious movement. "WELCOME BACK ARA!" One large voice yelled throughout the living room. I jumped by the sudden sound. There was cute decoration all over the place. A poster with messages from everyone including other bands. A huge meal was set on the table with a strawberry cake. Everyone was still frozen in their position with their onesies. I bursted out laughing,"Oh my god! You guys look so funny." Dino came running up to me and threw me in the air. "We're glad you're back, Ara 2.0" I hugged him tightly and he did the same. He brought me over to the huge poster. All the members signed it saying their small messages. I saw "I miss seeing you at award shows. Hwaiting!-Gfriend" and I also saw "Get better Ara! I wanna see you again at Pledis!- Nuest". I examined each word carefully. My heart softened and I couldn't believe how many people wrote on this. "I'm getting hungry now." I heard Seungkwan whisper from behind and I also heard a slap on the back as a response. He whimpered. "I'm hungry too then." I said. We sat down at the table and it was filled. I was surprised there was still even space for utensils. "Thank you for the meal!" Everyone said in unison. Everyone dug in. I wonder who made it? Maybe Mingyu. The taste of homemade food made me tingle inside. Everyone was so focused in their food that they didn't notice me staring at my food. I should eat quickly. It might get cold. Time passed and here I was in my room staring at the familiar scene. This is where I cut myself, cried to sleep, saw my parents and many more. This urge to do all of those things again made me desperate.  You shouldn't think about it Ara. It's unhealthy but one part of me was desperate to feel that same feeling of how it feels to feel pain and sorrow and loneliness. I looked around for something sharp but I could tell the boys really safe proofed this whole house I guess.
Jeonghan POV
I was in the room with all the boys. The room that belonged to our Ara. "This is the room where blood, sweat and tears were shed. Let's just make sure that doesn't happen. Well at least the blood part." I whispered. We went through drawers of anything sharp and pointy like a pair of scissors or a pin. It made me sick to wonder what Ara could do with these objects. I hope this room could be a safe place for her at least.
I wasn't surprised they made sure nothing bad was in my room. It made me have that same feeling though. The feeling that I'm worthless and nothing but a trouble and a mistake. No, I don't think the boys think of me like that. But why would they make sure this whole room is 100% baby proof? Am I that dangerous? Am I here just because they love me or am I here to be safe? These unanswered questions were the only thing on my mind. A painful strike went straight through my head making me yelp. I was in a different setting. Dammit. Get me out of here. Not again please stop. I was in a backyard. This was the house of a messed up family. My biological family. Mom and Dad were standing in front of a knife, scissors, glass and a pen. "Which one would you like?" Mom said with a snap in her voice. "None!" I replied. She shrugged and picked up the knife. She took my arm and wrote lines and lines and lines. I couldn't keep count since blood was covering them. Dad took my other arm and made contact with my arm and scissors. Line by line by line just like an abstract artist. The scene was overwhelming and I didn't know what to do but scream. Scream even though no one will save me. "Ara! Snap out of it!" My vision was blurry. I saw an outline of Jun and Joshua. My fingernails were digging inside my arms leaving red marks. Jun had his hands on my arms and was shaking me. He knew I wasn't in this world. He knew something happened. But he didn't know that the pain is no longer painful. It's just marks on my arms now.

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