Part 9

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"Can I go to the bathroom Miss?" I said as I quietly raised my hand. The teacher nodded and went back to teaching math. I got up and went straight to the hallway. I let out a deep breath and looked down. I never use the bathroom but I just come out so I can be alone. I kinda wanted to go to the bathroom and lock myself in the stalls like in lunch so I did. I took small steps and went into the bathroom. I ran into the stalls and locked myself in. I sat down and just sat blankly. I heard footsteps but I didn't pay attention to it. It sounded like more than one though. One person went on my right while the other went on my left. It was kinda suspicious until I finally got the hint. *BOOM*
I gasped to see myself covered in flour. I got up quickly to see my mess. I heard footsteps running outside but I didn't care. I opened my stall and looked in the mirror. I was literally covered in flour. I was horrified of myself. My hair looked like white hair instead of black. No..did I really just got floured? Wow I can't believe this anymore. I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted to leave this place. I heard the bell ring for lunch and I saw the swarm of kids pass by. I had a plan. I waited for the kids the pass by and I sneaked down to my class and I checked through the window to check if anyone was in there. It was completely empty so my plan was going perfectly so far. I ran in and grabbed my backpack and ran back out in less than 5 seconds. I couldn't handle looking at this place anymore. I ran out through the doors and I didn't care who saw me. I ran until I saw the sky. I've been running so much I was already at the front of the school. Home wasn't that far so I just walked the way. I was wondering if anyone was home so I was nervous yet glad I was out of the hell. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. DK said I should stop crying because it's not healthy for me. This situation must be an exception. I totally forgot about my flour covered clothes for a second until I saw a strand of white hair in front of my face. I must look so weak right now. After some time I was finally at the house. I really was too scared to see what would happen next. I stepped up at the door and opened it with the key I had in my bag in emergency. I slowly opened it and it was dead quiet. I had a feeling no one was home so I stepped in and went to my room at the end of the hall. I just wanted to go to my bed and suffocate myself in blankets. "Ara?" A familiar voice called out behind me. I turned around to see a sweaty Dino with a bunch of water bottles in a bag. "Oppa?" Dino ran up to me after dropping the whole bag of water bottles on the ground. He sat down to my level and put his huge hands on my arms,"Ara, who did this to you?" I was shaking and my breathing wasn't steady at all. I was scared of Dino at the moment. His eyes looked like he was about to murder someone. "Oppa. I'm sorry that people hate me so much. I'm sorry for being a mess. I just can't-" I broke into tears that spilled down my cheeks. My clothes with flour was now all over the floor. I couldn't breath but all I cared about were my emotions. I was just a sobbing, flour mess. I was like a cake that you added to much water to. Dino just hugged me so tight it was getting harder for me to cry. I hiccuped sob and sniffled and repeat. I put my arms around Dino's neck and squeezed him. I put my head on his shoulder and kept crying. It was like I never stopped. "It's okay Ara. I'm here for you." Dino whispered. I didn't even bother replying knowing I really couldn't. I was the only sound in the whole house at the moment. I was sobbing so loud that I felt like a three year old who lost his toy. "We should get you cleaned up Ara." While Dino was gonna pick me up but he was interrupted with a phone call. He sighed and picked it up knowing who it was,"Yes?" I heard the other line too since it was so loud. "Yah Dino! We told you to get water not take a walk in the park! Where are you?" Hoshi yelled. Dino looked at me," Hyung..I'll call you in a minute let me do something real quick." "YAH-" Hoshi was interrupted by Dino hanging up. Dino acted like nothing happened and continue to carry me all the way to my room. He set me down on my bed,"Now I want you to quickly undress and take a shower. I'll be in the living room okay?" Dino said as he was going to leave. I responded with a quiet nod. As he closed the door I flopped on to the bed. Then I heard Dino again,"Hyung, just come home. Ara's home. Let's just cancel practice." I could hear Hoshi panicking,"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? I'll COME RIGHT NOW." Then the short chat ended. I sighed and just quickly undressed and ran into the shower. I washed my hair thoroughly to make sure all the flour was out. I got out with shivers down my spin. I looked at the mirror to see my puffy red eyes. I touched them and they were puffed up like a balloon. I just grabbed my towel and went to my bedroom. I wore a large sweater and some legging. I sat down on my bed and looked at my clothes that were covered with flour on the floor. I feel like this all just a bad dream and I just wanted to wake up. My quiet thoughts were interrupted when I heard a door slam open. "ARA!" I felt someone running to hug me. I opened my eyes to see Hoshi with watery eyes. He checked to see with every inch of me was okay. "Why are you home so early my baby?" I heard Eomma say from behind Hoshi.   More people rushed in and I saw Mingyu pointing at my clothes of flour on the floor at the corner of my eye. I looked down to my hands to avoid eye contact. "You got floured Ara?" Mingyu said in a gentle voice. I shrugged not wanting to admit the embarrassment. My head was lowered to my chest. "Ara, you got floured didn't you?" Hoshi said slowly and clearly. I looked up to eye level and look at his eyes. I nodded with pity and I look at all the boys all around my room. "Oppa...Sorry for ruining your practice." I said while looking at Hoshi. Hoshi put on a sad frown,"My poor baby girl..I'm so sorry." Hoshi's voice cracked slightly but I still heard it. Hoshi pulled me into his sweaty sweater. I buried my face into his chest and let out my tears one by one. My eyes never get tired of crying. "It's okay Ara. Just let it out." Hoshi whispered. My world just stopped when he said that. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming and I already felt my hand wet. I hiccuped and breathed heavily. I muttered words into Hoshi's chest. Hoshi just stood quietly while rubbing my back. After minutes and minutes of crying I finally felt a little better. "Are you okay now Ara?" Hoshi asked. I nodded barely. "I need to shower and wash up so go with Dino okay?" Hoshi released me and Dino came over. He bent down and picked me. I looked like a no living soul in the middle of the room. Dino took me out of my own room with everyone in it and brought me up the living room. He sat me down and he sat down next to me. Being here is better than being at school I guess
There will be a part 2 so stay tuned loves!

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