Part 11

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Dino's POV
"ARA!" I yelled before her eyes closed. I wished I was in a different situation tucking her in bed while her eyes shut but this was reality. I saw Jeonghan and Woozi hyung were running with a panic faces. I cradled her and got up on my feet that felt wobbly. "Start the damn car now." I say trying to keep my voice calm. Woozi went to call everyone else while Jeonghan went to get the car started. I run behind Jeonghan and ran to the car to set Ara carefully down on the back where the rest will be sitting. I quickly sat right next to her and made sure the rest of the boys could come in quickly. I looked at Ara and put her on my lap since Wonwoo needed a seat. We sped to the hospital as fast as possible. "What happened to her?" Vernon asked with worry written all over his face. "She said her head started hurting and then she couldn't even stand still. Then she just...fainted." Vernon put his hand on my shoulder,"It's okay Dino. She's gonna be okay." I nodded hopping for the best. We arrived to the hospital and the doctors immediately took her to the ER. We couldn't go in since they wouldn't allow us at all even with some of the members begging. We sat down on the chairs together. Why did Ara faint all of a sudden? Is she sick? 
I woke in a bed that looked too familiar. It  was on the ground. I look around trying to recognize my surroundings..The adoption center. I went downstairs to see my own two parents crying. In front of the teachers..."I couldn't take care of her. We need you to find her another home." My Mom sobbing. Dad put her arms around her,"I think we should go. Thank you." They left the place with the teachers shook. They silently got into the car and wiped their tears,"Finally that girl is gone." Mom said as she looked in the mirror to fix her makeup. Dad smirked,"Nice acting though. Let's never visit this place again and forget about...that child" They drove out of the driveway and went to the highway. I fell on my knees. Wow how pathetic mom and Dad was. Why did they have two sides of them? They only showed the ugly one to me. What did I do wrong Mom? Did I cause you pain Dad? Why didn't you guys want to hug me or take care of me? Why did you guys always have bottles with you everywhere? Where did you go to places with drunk people and weird smoking things? These questions were never answered. I cried into my hands until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked around to see thirteen people that were too bright to see. The person in the front brought out there hand inviting me to hold it. All I saw were their outlines and just pure brightness. I took it and I suddenly got pulled hard. I gasped and I woke up on a hospital bed. I twisted and turned to see a doctor in front of my bed with a clipboard. "Well hello Mrs. Ara. I see you have woken up. I will tell your guardians." He just left without anything else. What happened? My head was honestly killing me. I heard the whole conversation outside
Wonwoo's POV
Everyone looked miserable and worried sick. My stomach was turned over by the thought of what must've happened to Ara. My thoughts cleared out when we saw a doctor in front of us. We stood up and bowed waiting for news. "Well she's okay fortunately but you did say she was adopted?" Everyone nodded uncontrollably. "She has very bad headaches thinking of...scary things I guess you can put it. Now has she ever talked to you about them?" We looked at Suengcheol hyung and he  shook his head shamelessly. "I recommend a counselor and some time when she's ready to sit down and ask her about her 'previous life'. If we don't fix this before she grows up even more then we won't be able to fix this. Thank you." We all bowed and someone was crying. I didn't care to look back to see who it was because I was already shedding tears. My poor Ara.
Ara's POV
The doctor came back inside and said I was discharged. He said my guardians were waiting outside. I jumped out of bed and ran out the door. I turned my head to see all thirteen people that changed my life. I saw almost half of them crying though...I walked up to Jun who was sniffling with Minghao crying. Jun was really sensitive so I'm surprised he wasn't sobbing. I went up to Jun and tugged his shirt,"Oppa. What's wrong?" He looked down and picked me up in his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm fine Ara. I hope your okay though okay?" He said with a cracked voice. "Let's go home everyone." Jun said loud enough for everyone to hear. I was scared about about what the doctor said 'sit down and talk about her previous life'. I'm so nervous for that talk
AYYYYYEEE GUESS WHOS BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER. Y'all, I'm so emo nowadays since so much things are happened. <3 I'll update soon.

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