Part 12

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The aura was serious and tempting. I knew what was happening. They want to know about my past life. They had to know sooner or later so I can't hide it for much longer. We were all scrambled all around the living room and I sat next to Mingyu and Joshua. It was in the afternoon and the sunset was peeking out of the window. I was waiting for someone to talk until Vernon said,"So why was there a family meeting today?" Seungcheol shifted his position,"Well remember how a few days ago the doctor said we should know more about Ara." Everyone nodded and got to the point,"So Ara are you comfortable with telling us?" Jeonghan cooed softly. I nodded and breathed out slowly,"Umm..okay so I wasn't really a planned child so they were gonna like drink alcohol while my mom was pregnant to make sure I wasn't a good baby but my grandparents stopped them. So then when I was born I had nothing even though my family wasn't poor. My parents didn't want to buy anything for me obviously. I only got clothes on occasions from my grandparents. I wanted to tell my grandparents everything but my parents threatened me that they'll throw me on the street with empty hands." I paused and looked up from my hands to see everyone staring at me while I see Seungcheol in the back signaling to go on. "My parents basically acted like I wasn't there. They drank endlessly and did drugs together. But Dad was a abusive drinker and Mom was...a really horrible drinker too. I'll wake up in the middle of the night seeing only blood around me or on me. After about 5 years I think they couldn't handle me anymore. They sent to me to the orphanage and lied that they couldn't financially handle me. They cried while giving me away with smiles under it. I'm just a mistake that no one needs in under their roof." I remembered all the things that they said to me and I wanted to just run to my room and cry but that'll be rude. My eyes were tired and watery. Why did they hurt me so much if they could've just killed me in mom's stomach? I wish I could forget about them but it's too hard for me. Why did they hate me so much?
Mingyu POV
My heart clenched as I heard the heart breaking story. I wish I took the pain for her instead. She didn't deserve any of this. She's only nine for god sake. I looked around to see the reactions for the others but all I saw is a bunch of full of pity faces. Ara just looked down and Lord knows how much is going on her mind right now. The boys and I just waited in silence.
Ara's POV
I hated myself for being so emotional right now. I kinda missed my parents for some reason. I wanted to see them and hope they changed. I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't try finding the way out. "Do you guys think my parents miss me? Do they think about me?" I said with my head down playing with my fingers. I wondered if they are still even alive I mean I can't guarantee if they still are breathing. They did so many drugs I was worried about how long they were gonna live for. I couldn't stop thinking about them even though I cried about the same thing every time. I wish I can be brainwashed to forget everything before I was adopted. Mingyu rubbed my back,"It's okay Ara. Thanks  for having the courage to tell us about this." He cooed. My heart aches so bad and I just wanted for it to all stop. I was wearing Minghao's hoodie and even though it was thick I was still cold. I was slowly crying but not sobbing. I was surprised how good I was at controlling my crying. I had the worst flashback I ever had.
I sat in my grandparents house with my parents sitting next to me. I remembered the chat me and Dad had before we came here,"Listen here. If you say anything to grandma or grandpa. You'll get a very bad punishment at home you little shit." I flinched while remembering it. When Grandma came with a tray with cookies and tea I was so happy. "Oh my Ara. Why are you clothes so old? Did your parents buy you new clothes yet?" Grandma said while she looked at my raggedy clothes. I shook my head,"They don't buy me clothes Grandmother." I said innocently. I knew that I would regret that when we get home. "What! Yah! What are you doing with your child?" Grandma yelled. It was a huge argument and I was just worrying about when we get home. We came home and I was pushed inside the house. "Yah. Can't you keep that mouth shut? It's ridiculous how much you have to say." My Dad was getting something behind his back but I didn't want to see it anyway. "I'm sorry Dad. Please don't hurt me again." I was on my knees looking up to my dad. He smacked me with his huge hands. He had a belt in his other hand and started hitting me with it too. I was cuddled into a small ball helplessly . It stung so I couldn't even cry I just yelled taking in the pain. At the end I was in a puddle of blood and scars all over my body. God why is this happening to me?
My head started hurting again but I remembered that memory just like it happened yesterday. I was sobbing by now and I didn't hold back. "Why did they hit me so much? Did it hurt for them just as much as it did to me?" I yelled with my hands pulling my hair. "Ara! Please, you're okay."I was pulled into Mingyu's chest. I was still sobbing and uncontrollably shaking. My hands were trying to pull my hair off my head but it didn't work. He tried to unattached my hands to my hair but I wouldn't let go. I was shaking so much I felt mental. "Why are they trapped in my head like this?" I wanted to scream it so loud even my parents can hear it. Mingyu tried to calm me down but it didn't work. Why am I like this? I want to be like a normal nine year old girl..

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