Part 22

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Once again I was alone. I sat in silence with a blank mind. I stared ahead hoping that this was all a Dream. I wondered what the others are doing. I looked down at my arms. Why did I do that? I was interrupted when there was a knock. I didn't respond. The door opened and it revealed Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo. I kept staring at my arms as if I was alone in my room. My breathing was slow but uneven. "Ara. Do you want to eat?" Jisoo asked from a distance. I stared at his face and blinked. I shook my head and continued looking down. 'You should just starve yourself and die you brat. I'm not making any food for you!' A voice inside my head was yelling. Leave me alone! This voice was familiar but I wanted to shut it out. I was mentally fighting with my own
head until I heard silence. Am I really going crazy? I can't even trust myself anymore. I stared at everyone in my room. The three of them looked at me worried. I looked back down trying to shake off their stares. "I'm not hungry." I whispered. Hunger was the last thing I would ever think of in this situation.
Jeonghan POV
I remembered the small meeting we just had with Seungcheol. Everyone gathered in the living room and Seungcheol sighed. He let out two sentences,"Don't make aggressive contact with Ara. Mrs.Park told me Ara was raped when she was with her dad, Got it?" The meeting ended there and everyone was dead silence. It was short but we were stunned. Half of us were half asleep but now everyone was wide awake. Raped? Was that why she resisted to me? This just got to another level. I looked up at Seungcheol that was trying to stay calm. I stood up, "We should go keep an eye on her. Just in case you know." I nodded at Jisoo and he stood with no words returning the nod.
Ara's POV
"Are you sure you don't want to eat? You haven't ate since yesterday morning." Seungcheol said softly. He's right. 'You're pathetic Ara.' The voice said again. I looked up at Seungcheol and I nodded,"I'll eat I guess." There was a long pause before I slowly crawled out of bed. My legs felt wobbly and I collapsed to the ground like dominoes. I blinked in confusion,"Sorry." I whispered. I realized Seungcheol was one inch away from me but he resisted to hold me and I could understand why. I dragged myself back up but this time I went straight back down. As if I was doing a trust fall but no one was there that I could trust. Seungcheol broke the bubble I was in and reached out to me before I reached the ground. "Ara, why don't you just stay in bed and I'll get you some food?" His warm hands touched my cold bare skin. I nodded and I went over to my bed and sat on it waiting alone in my room. Why do I feel so drowsy? I looked at the door to see Mingyu covered with worried all over his face. I blinked and he was gone. All I saw was pitch black. My head was killing me as much as I wanted to kill myself. What am I saying? "Mingyu? Seungcheol?" I yelled out helplessly. Did they leave me alone. I tried to look around me but I don't even know what was going on. I collapsed and was gasping for air. My forehead was getting wet with sweat. My hands were uncontrollably shaking. Please stop? Just end it here! I want to get out!
Mingyu's POV
Ara was staring into my eyes but I could tell she couldn't hold her eyes for much longer. Her blinks were getting so slow I was worried sick. One blink stayed there. She collapsed completely but I heard unsteady breaths. I ran over to her trying to check her condition. She was sweating like crazy and she couldn't breath. "HYUNG!" I yelled. I started panicking and adrenaline started running through my veins. Seungcheol came running through the door. He was panicking as much as me. "Oh my God. What's going on? We need to go to the hospital!" He managed to spit out those three sentences before slowly picking up Ara. Ara was out cold but she looked even worser. Her dark circles under her eyes were more noticeable. Her unusual green pale skin standing out with her dry lips. I was scared for Ara. I just wanted her to be okay. I just don't know how to help dammit.
OMG LONG TIME NO SEE LOVES! I'm back from my "break" and I'm sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I will be posting more often and making better quality chapter as this book continues. Please comment how you're feeling about this book and recommendations. Stay healthy Lovelys!

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