Part 29

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(WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL RAPE) The worst memories are usually the ones you want to forget the most. I was in a dark closet waiting for my punishment for talking back. Dad had came back from drinking while Mom was probably doing the same at another club. Dad was outside the door ready to traumatize me. "Since you have been a very bad girl, you have to take off all your clothes before you can come out." My stomach clenched knowing what was gonna happened. Dad always told me this was gonna happen if I didn't get it together. Shaking with fear, I took off my clothing one by one. "Please Dad, I don't wanna do this. Please I'll be a better kid." Tears were streaming off my face as I plead for forgiveness. "Shut up and do what I say!" Dad replied banging on the door. I didn't want to do this. I can't call someone since there was no cellphone. I'll try to make a run for it when I come out. Maybe if I do take off all my clothes I will deceive him. I step out of the room with my bare body. I stood there for a pure second and ran. After taking two steps, a powerful force grabbed me by my hair. "Where do you think you're running off to?" He forced me on the ground and trapped my arms. I panicked and screamed not knowing how else to get help. He shoved his hand over my mouth. He grabbed duck tape and taped my mouth making me completely silent. Dad unbuckled his belt and got real close to me. Everything happened from there. The feeling of being forced made me feel dirty and disgusted. Please God, help me please! No one helped. My body started hurting more and more but I couldn't do anything about it. My tears felt more warm as more came. Dad breathed heavily as he was taking advantage of me. Finally as everything got slower, I felt pain overtake me and the darkness came.
-End of Flashback-
My head was buried between my elbow and I was shivering. Why? I can't do this anymore. These stupid memories are getting me nowhere. Let me just stop feeling pain. Can I just end it already? There was a knock on the door,"Ara? Are you awake?" It sounded like Vernon. I locked my door and didn't answer. This probably will just cause worry but worry is better than pain. "Ara? Did you lock the door?" I heard Vernon struggling to open the door. I covered my ears to muffle the sound. Please just leave me alone or else I'll leave myself. The banging got louder and I heard Vernon getting help. I can't.....I just can't. I looked around to see something to cause harm and I saw a wooden table. I grabbed the edges of the table and counted down. 3....2....1... I banged my head with great force making blood run down my face. The sweet blood went down to my mouth but before I got to experience this pain I was completely knocked out.
Vernon's POV
"Ara? Did you lock the door?" The door was struggling to open. I started banging on the door with my fist. "Ara??? Open the door!" I said while trying to break down the door with my arm shoved into it. "Shit! Hyung!!!" Seungcheol came running with his still wet hair. "What's wrong?" "Ara locked the door and she won't respond or open it!" Seungcheol freaked out with me making more of the boys join. "Go get the sledgehammer!" Seungcheol yelled with force. I ran into the pantry of utensils grabbing the steal metal sledgehammer. I threw it to Seungcheol as people stepped back letting Seungcheol have space. He held the sledgehammer professionally and focused on his target. 3...2...1! The door came down with the dust and  Seungcheol broke off other pieces of door making a bigger entry. Seungcheol ran inside,"ARA!" Everyone followed him and saw exactly what he was talking about. Ara was lying unconscious beside a bloody table with blood streaming down her face. Seungcheol cradled Ara in his helpless arms. Jeonghan covered his mouth from screaming, Dino looked away from the terrible scene shaking his shoulders, Mingyu was already on his knees, and I was shocked left with no words. "Call the Doctor....I SAID CALL THE DOCTOR!" Seungcheol yelled unable to keep calm. I pulled out my phone and called for help. "We have an unconscious child that banged her head against a wooden table. Please come quickly!" I could even hear the panic in my own voice. Please let me wake up from this nightmare. This isn't real right? The more I look at Ara, the more Ara seems like she's dead. Seungcheol was sobbing into her chest while whispering lullabies. Was there really a dead child in this house? Were we the cause of her despair?
HI LOVELYSSSSS IM SO GLAD I GOT TO UPDATE!!! Hope you guys like this chapter even tho it is kinda different. I decided to talk about this because rape is a huge issue in society right now. I don't think it's something to be ignored about and rape can affect someone's life forever. I'll update soon ASAP! If you guys are living in a humid or hot place, please stay hydrated and stay cool! Stay safe lovelys💞🤧

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