Part 31

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Riding inside a stranger's van feels like getting kidnapped. I probably am. I sat between two random people that had strong cologne covering the smell they haven't showered for days. Were they that worried about me? I sat straight without my back touching the seat. This is so awkward. Everyone was silent. No one tried to make any sound. The car stopped suddenly. This isn't a home. This is an adoption center. I remember how the doctor told me I was adopted. Was this my adoption center? I looked around to see everyone's else's expression. They were just smiling at the adoption center as if they were recalling a memory. The walls were freshly painted with baby blue and baby pink across the walls. There were drawings of children running through the field of grass next to a home. Come on Ara. You must know this place. A sharp pain come straight through my head. I hissed. I opened my eyes once again. I was in a dusty attic. There was a blanket and pillow on the floor. Where am I? I heard children loudly playing downstairs. I stepped down the steep stairs cautiously. What is this? The adoption center? My adoption center? Kids were running and playing games. A group of girls were in one corner staring me down. What's their problem? "You would like Ara?" I heard an old voice question. I peeked over the corner to see who was using my name. I saw thirteen boys. Wait the thirteen boys! They were all looking at some album or something. "Yes we would like her!" One of the boys said eagerly. The old lady made an unsure face,"Well she is pretty quiet. Let's just say that she isn't a very hyper 9 year old." One of the boys looked straight in her eyes,"We'll take her." The old lady nodded and went to go find me. The memory ended there. "I remember this place." I whispered. All the boy's attention cane straight to me. "You guys adopted me here. I got abandoned at the age of five and adopted at the age of 9." I said with my head hung low. The memory struck me hard. "I'm glad." A boy said beside me. He patted my head and smiled softly. I nodded uncomfortably. We went home in silence as I tried to remember streets. Small memories came but nothing too big. We arrived to a huge building. This is where we live?!? This is crazy. We walked inside and it was so spacious. Despite the small piles of trash or clothes, this place was actually pretty nice. "Here, your room is over here." A tall figure said as he lended me his hand. I slowly took it and walked with him. We walked to my room at the end of the hall and he twisted the doorknob. It was a simple room. Pastel blue walls. Standard twin bed. But something felt off. As if there was more to the story. I closed my eyes trying to get to the back of my head.
I can't believe my parents just left me here. In this old adoption center. I walked to my bed and curled up into a ball. I'm alone. All alone here. With no one. Not even Grandma.
End of flashback
Tears were flowing out of my eyes. Why is there so much pain? So much agony sitting in my heart right now. I turned around in despair, "Seungcheol?" I questioned. His eyes widen in surprise. "Ara!" I ran into his arms as he picked me up. I remember this man. This man who saved my life. These men actually. They took me under their wing. Through the helpless nights. During my unstable melt downs. These men are angels to me. I sobbed into Seungcheol's shirt as he caresses my hair. "I love you. Thank you." I whispered as I felt the significance these people had in my life. The rest of the boys came crowding in the room as they saw the reunion. I hugged them all individually as I cried fresh tears each time. I never want to forget my memories with them ever again. I want them to always be with me. I never want to lose them. I never want to placed in the lost and found ever again.
Yes yes yes !!! I have decided to finally put this book into a rather short ending :( I'm sorry that I have put you all through this roller coaster of me saying "no I'm not finishing this book" and here I am. Anyways, please stay safe due to the virus and tell your family you love them. The main purpose of this fan fiction was to inform people about childhood trauma, sexual abuse and suicidal thoughts. Mental health is very serious. I started this book around 2018 I believe and am just now putting this book to an end. I am planning on revising and editing this book as I wrote it very poorly in some areas!  Thank you for supporting me as an amateur author. Please check out my other books "The Light Burns" and "Please Return To Rightful Owner"! If you have ANY recommendations for another fan fiction to right, please drop it in my messages! Remember that I love you and stay safe !
Mia <3

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