Part 17

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I don't remember what's going on I just see blurry pictures and blurry faces. My camera got focused and the picture was clear. "Hello sweetie. How are you doing?" I almost screamed but I realized it was just Mrs. Park. "What's going on? Where's my family?" I panicked as my heart beat started racing. "It's okay. They had to do something but they'll come soon." She whispered softly. My heart beat went to normal and I let out a sigh. "Why am I here? I-" then I remembered exactly what happened. Glass. Arm. Blood. I went to pick up my arm and saw a bandage all over it. "Ara, why did you hurt yourself?" I stared in misbelief. Why did I do it? "I-i don't know. It felt like it was the right thing to do." I replied while still looking at my arm. "Ara. Do you like school?" Chills down my spine woke me up real quick and I flinched. I looked away from my arm,"I hate it." Those three words filled with stone in my voice. "Do the people at school remind you of someone you don't like?" Mrs.Park was trying to connect the dots. I thought and realized,"They're different than my parents." Mrs.Park nodded and shot me with another question,"Do you remember everything about your parents Ara?" I didn't know how to escape this question. Then the memory flashed by me with a cold aftertaste. I remember 'that' moment. I didn't want to recall that disgusting memory. I wanted to get brainwashed and never remember it ever again. Well I wasn't only abused physically but I was-I stopped my thought there. I still remember that day perfectly. I realized that I haven't answered her question yet,"No. I don't really remember too much I guess." I said with the biggest lie. Then the door to my hospital room busted open. I saw Seungcheol's head first,"Oh my God." He said while running to me to pull me in a hug,"I'm so sorry Ara." He said as he buried my face into his sweater. He smelled kinda bad. Where did he go?
Jeonghan POV
We were rushing in the hospital and Ara already lost conscious.the doctors stopped us from going to the ER so we were left behind. I collapsed on my knees. My hands were covered in Ara's blood. Why is the world so damn cruel to her? I started silently crying on the floor while the rest just watched me. "What are we going to do? We need to help our daughter." I was managed to say. I usually don't say daughter but in reality she actually was our daughter. A woman's hands touched my shoulder,"You guys should go and take care of your schedule. I'll talk to Ara." It was Mrs.Park. I wiped my tears and got up. "Please take care of her." I said as my last words before departing away from my Ara.
Ara's POV
Seungcheol was crying. Did I cause his tears? I pulled away from his hug and say his puffy eyes. I used my bandaged arm and wiped his tears making his cheek dry. I kinda stung my wound but I didn't care. "Don't cry. I'm sorry."
I said while touching his cheek. "Well Ara should take a break from school. Try bringing her to my office daily. I should leave now." Mrs.Park said while leaving. At least I don't have to go back to school. "I wanna get out of here." I whispered. Seungcheol nodded but realized something,"I'm sorry but we still need to practice and do some meetings. Wanna follow us?" I don't even trust myself to be home alone. Who knows what will happen to me.. "Okay. I'll follow you." Seungcheol smiled and carried me. I lied my head down on his shoulder. I knew we were going to the Pledis entertainment so it was gonna be a while. I closed my eyes and trusted Seungcheol that he'll protect me.
"Let's do it again. From the top." I heard a voice yell. I was on a black leather sofa at the back of a practice room. My vision got clearer and I saw all of my dads practicing and dancing. I didn't want to be stuck here so I looked at who was closest to me and it was Vernon. I went up to him and tugged his shirt,
"I'm gonna use the bathroom." I whispered. He nodded and went back to concentration mode. I quietly get out of the practice room and a breeze went through me. I was walking to every corner trying to find a bathroom when I bumped into a man, "Oh hello. Are you lost?" He helped me up with his big hands. He was tall but I think I've seen him on a poster. Nuest? I nodded. He looked at me closer,"Oh are you Seventeen's kid? Ara?" I nodded again. "I'm sorry but where's the bathroom?" I asked quietly. "Ah the bathroom. Here I'll show it to you." He held out his hands and I didn't know if I should trust him or not. I looked around to see security guards so I knew I was safe. I took his hand and he squeezed. He brought me all the way to the bathroom and looked down at me,"Thank you for taking me to the bathroom." I bowed and heard a loud voice,"YAH Ren! What is taking you so long?" I look ahead to see another boy coming. The boy released my hand and left,"I have to go. Well I'll see you soon, Ara!" He ran and left me. I went into the bathroom and went back to the practice room. I opened the door and saw everyone soaking wet with sweat. I walked over to Vernon and sat on his lap and lied against his chest. All of the boys were talking until the door just opened. I think it was their manager or whatever. Everyone shuffled to their feet and I was hiding behind Vernon's shirt. "Well I have some news to tell you guys. You have to perform at the MAMA awards. Make sure to practice extra hard and to be ready." He said with no emotions and just left the room as if he was never here. There was silence and I heard Hoshi comment,"Ugh I'm too tired and he still wants us to perform." I mean what could be so bad?

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