Part 3

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I couldn't sleep at all tonight.

My head was running on an endless treadmill. I couldn't shut my brain down to get even a blink of sleep.

I gently squeezed my eyes shut until an interference came to my attention.

"Ara, you're lucky that you're alive or else we would make sure you wouldn't be breathing!" Dad said as he yelled in my face.

Mom just stood behind Dad with her arms crossed, "Can't you just go run away or something, you little brat."

She smeared at me as Dad clenched his jaw tightly.

I cautiously leaned back slowly on the wall praying they would go away but nothing changed.

Go away! Please just leave me alone! Why is this happening to me?

I just wanted it all to stop.

I covered my ears like a dome to stop hearing their harsh words. All I saw was a my two parents cursing harshly as only muffled noises came out of their mouths.

I couldn't bare to see them anymore.

My tears came down without warning and I didn't try stoping them.

Forcefully, I felt aggressive arms pulling my hands around my ears. All I saw was Dad shouting into my eyes but I couldn't tell what he was saying.

I screamed on the top of my lungs trying to make him stop but he just shook me more.

"Get away from me! Stop! Leave me alone!"

Just go away. Please.

Then my vision got my clear. The blur in my eyes became crystal clear and all I saw was Hoshi breathing heavily with panic.

My shaky breath filled the quiet room as the tears left puddles in my shirt.

Everyone else behind him furrowed their eyebrows as they were questioning the sudden situation.

"Ara! Are you okay? What happened?!" Hoshi yelled looking straight in my eyes, gripping onto my shoulders.

"Mom and Dad came back. I couldn't do anything. Please. Make them go away."

Hoshi's grip on my shoulders loosened while he kept staring in my eyes with the same horrified look.

"Ara, Mom and Dad can't do anything to you anymore. Don't be scared, okay?"

My tears came flowing out and before I could stop them, I started to sob. I hung my head down while I quietly spilled my tears.

Hoshi gently pulled me in for a tight hug as he sighed deeply.

I continued letting out my tears on his shoulder as he just caressed my head carefully.

I really couldn't stop my tears for some reason. Or was it because I didn't want to?

What was weird was that I actually enjoyed crying this time.

It felt needed. It felt comforting.

"Do you want to sleep with me, Ara?" Hoshi offered as he softly looked me in the eye.

I slowly nodded as I wiped the tears away with the palms of my hands.

Hoshi carefully carried me and kept walking until he placed me down on a low bed.

I didn't want to let go though. I can't let them leave me again.

As he tried to remove my hands from his neck, I resisted, "Don't leave me please. I don't go be all alone again."

He froze for a secound until he cautiously tried to lay down with me on the same bed without me having to let him go. He gently placed my head on his white pillow.

"Everything will be okay. I won't leave you alone ever again." He said as I turned to look at him.

I stared at his face which was softly smiling with his signature eyes. The passion was beaming from his eyes.

He offered out his huge pinky, "I promise to always be by your side no matter what Ara. Please promise me that you'll do the same."

I stared at his pinky as I hesitated to take it. I was unsure of what to do right now. It was like the shows. A promise.

He looked up into his eyes and saw a reassuring smile.

It made me feel safe. It gave me a warm feeling of reassurance.

I slowly interlock my pinkie with his and tightly gripped it. I smiled at the situation I was in. I loved this soft feeling for some reason.

I felt loved for once. I felt like nothing could go wrong anymore. I knew that my life is turning around for once. The pain is gone. Misery is over now.

Hoshi slowly released his pinkie and I glanced up at him.

"Do you feel better now, Ara?"

I didn't just feel better. I felt good. It was unexplainable. I forgot the sheer pain that I experience a couple minutes ago. It felt weird expressing such emotion.

Hoshi pulled me into a tight hug as my head was right next to his chest. I could hear his steady heartbeat. It was so soothing and calm like a music box.

"I think you're different from the other people I met in my life."

His steady breathing came to a halt for a second but then continued into its normal pace.

Not all people are the same.
Oml I'm so sorry for the late update! I hope you guys are enjoying this series so far! I'll try to update more often from now on! I decided to not change the font and not have these 'thoughts' because it's sooooo much work and I don't want people to wait for a chapter just because of this. Bye lovelys<3

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