Part 20

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Well then I heard Mom and Dad got arrested for domestic child abuse and illegal drugs. I sighed at the thought. Ever since that 'incident', I wasn't able to make contact with anyone without crying and freaking out. Seungcheol even contacted Mrs.Park to see what to do and she said that I need to have some time by myself until we come back and talk to Mrs.Park. I was in the bus with everyone else and we were heading back home. I was by myself in the seats and I heard silence knowing that too much has happened in the past few hours. It was already the afternoon and we were just heading home. I knew that this must've already hit the news and social media. Well I need to do some thinking now. When Mom and Dad said that Grandma is no longer here, does that mean she's dead? It can't be true right? I huddled up in Woozi's sweater that I was wearing. I felt goosebumps down my spine and I wondered how she even died. I wonder how mom and dad treated her. I wasn't at the police station since I stayed in the hotel room with Jihoon and Mingyu. Why were they in Incheon? And why were they in a hotel? I bet they were on vacation. At least I don't have to worry about them for a while I guess. I remember the face that they sent me. The grin and their deep eyes. I placed my head in my hands and closed my eyes. Why did this all happen to me? Why did they want me back?
Jeonghan POV
I watched Ara from a distance. I sighed and remember the look she gave me when I was searching her body for scars. She looked scared. She was scared of me. I just wanted her to make sure that she can trust me. She put her head down and must've been crying or maybe sleeping. I wish I can go and hug her but I had to keep my distance. She was only nine and she probably was having such a hard time that I can't even relate. Dino patted my shoulder,
"It's okay hyung. I'm sure Ara is having a hard time but she is paralyzed in trauma. We shouldn't get too close or we'll make it worse." I nodded even though I couldn't stop worrying at all. I was basically her new mother and now she must be so scared of all of us. I looked back at everyone else who had sadness or anger written all of their faces. I look over to Seungcheol and remembered how he jumped on the Dad. Seungcheol beat him up so bad I don't even know how Seungcheol didn't have any scars. He was furious.
Ara's POV
I woke up to the dark night. I must've fallen asleep. I looked outside and recognized the  streets. We were almost home. I'm surprised I didn't have any bad dreams yet. My head was killing me and I felt empty. I felt lonely despite the thirteen boys surrounding me. Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? I looked at my reflection at the window and my hair was a mess, I had dark bags under my eyes and I was really pale. I look like a ghost. I noticed that we were outside of our apartment and everyone around me was moving around. I stumbled to my feet and grabbed my backpack and quickly went inside the dorm. I ran to my room before anyone could see me and shut my door and flopped on my bed. Too much is happening. I can't handle it. Tears were flowing out of my eyes. I mean I wasn't surprised at all. I huddled up in a ball and cried and cried and cried. I couldn't sleep and I wished I could sleep even if it meant I had to have a bad dream because I felt miserable. I looked at my clock and it was around 2 am. I sat up and wiped my cheeks. I don't feel right. I'm craving something. Something painful. Something red. Something like blood. I reached out to my desk and opened the drawer with my scissors. I held the sharp metal part and held it close to my pale skin. I don't what to do. One line. I'm scared. Two lines. Should I stop? Three lines. I don't care anymore. I lost count of how many lines I did. It was too red. What am I doing! I snapped out of it and dropped my scissors. What's wrong with me? The blood was dripping. Oh no, what do I do? Mom and Dad, what do I do? I watched each drop and waited. I waited for someone to save me. Someone that cares for me. Should my other arm be identical to my other arm? Why not? No one is gonna stop me. One line by one I didn't feel much pain anymore. I looked at the time and it was 8 am. Where is my savior? Why isn't anyone coming to save me? Are they late? I looked at my red arms. Does no one notice me even if I hurt myself? The blue scissors looked like a murder weapon. I flopped my arms on the bed letting my blood soak my bed sheets. I heard a knock and they came in before I can answer. It was Mrs.Park and Seungcheol and Wonwoo. They saw a lifeless girl on her red bedsheets with bloody arms that had deep wounds. The girl had pale skin and messy hair. She looked like she hasn't slept in months. She looked crazy. That girl was me.

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