Part 4

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I woke up with the annoying sun in my eyes. I scanned my surroundings to see no one in the room. Not even one soul except mine. I mean you consider me as a soul or just a hollow body.  I slowly put my feet on the cold hard ground and pulled myself off the bed. Where did the Oppa's go? I was way too tired for this. I opened the door and went out to the hallway to find a whole line of rooms. I shouldn't just randomly go to a room. That's rude. I kept walking until I saw the kitchen. I saw Jeonghan making something with Mingyu and Joshua. I didn't want to disturb so I was gonna turn around and go back to my room until someone put their hands around me picking me up,"Good morning Ara. Did you sleep well?" I turned to see Jeonghan smiling like an angel. I got shocked at first but soon realized what is going on. I nodded," Where's the other Oppas?" He played with my hair as he answered," Well they're practicing right now but we decided not to go since we didn't want to leave you alone." Wow usually mom and dad were never home. They were usually out until morning and they always come home drunk. "You okay Ara?" I snapped back to reality. I nodded quickly. Jeonghan brought me over to Mingyu and Joshua who were busy making pancakes and eggs. I look at the fluffy pancakes and the scrambled eggs being tossed around. They even know how to make American breakfast...Wow. Jeonghan was staring at me deeply but I didn't notice until a while. I looked at him face to face and he was shocked but quickly smiled warmly in my eyes. I was too embarrassed so I turned my attention back to the my breakfast when I heard the door open,"GUESS WHO CAME BACK!!" I jumped at the sudden noise. "Yah shut up. Ara might still be sleeping." I could hear Seungcheol scolding the boys who yelled. I look at Jeonghan who was grinning. I saw them as they entered the kitchen shocked,"Oh well nevermind then." Seungcheol said as he looked at Jeonghan. I softly grinned. "Hey Ara!!!" Hoshi yelled from the back. I could tell Jeongcheol was getting a headache from how loud everyone was. When Hoshi saw him he smiled sheepishly and slowly went to me,"Hehe...Sorry hyung." He stared at me and signaled to me that he wanted to carry me. I stared at his face blankly before I finally reached for him and Jeonghan let go of me. Everyone was jealous except for Hoshi of course. Why would the rest be jealous? I'm not that special..Hoshi looked like a boy that just got his favorite candy from his dad or something. I was hugging Hoshi's neck while looking at the other boys jealous faces. I kinda felt pity for them. I'll try to make them smile one day. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Mingyu,"Let's eat!" I turned around to see Mingyu and Joshua setting the table. I could feel my hunger roaring in my stomach. I saw all the beautiful food sitting on the table. The food at the orphanage was nothing compared to this. Hoshi brought me over to the table and carefully put me into a seat. All of a sudden I could hear a bunch of noise of the boys trying to fight for a seat next to me. Dino and Jun ended up winning. They grinned widely to the losers. I just turned to the plate of pancakes and eggs in front of me. "Thank you for the meal." I said quietly. The boys said it way louder than me before chowing down their food. I did the same. I was starving I guess. When I got finished I put my plate in the sink. I was gonna go sit next in the living room with the boys who were done eating. It was Vernon,Seungkwan,Mingyu,Wonwoo,DK and The8. I slowly walked over to them until Seungkwan noticed me and signaled me to sit on his lap. I was slowly getting use to this type of idk 'affection' I guess. I sat on his lap stared at the TV. They were watching dramas... I looked around the room to see everyone really into the drama. I barely even understand what was going on. I turned around to see Seungkwan about to burst out crying. "Yah kids! Let's go shopping today !" I heard Seungcheol yell from the kitchen. Everyone started getting up while Seungkwan carried me. He kept carrying me to my room and dropped me on my bed,"Ok Ara. Get dressed and brush your teeth too okay?" I nodded while he giggled. He got up and left the room. I went to my backpack to grab some clothes. I grabbed a black sweater and some blue jeans. I quickly changed and looked in my mirror. This should be okay. I turned to get my toothbrush and went to bathroom. Their were only two bathrooms in their dorm so I had to share with someone I guess. I went to the nearest bathroom and saw The8 and Woozi brushing their hair. "Oh Ara,did you come to brush your teeth?" The8 said as he knelt down to me. I nodded my head. He picked me up to put on the counter. He took my toothbrush and put a little toothpaste on it."Here ya go." I looked up to see his puppy face staring right back at me,"T-thank you Oppa." I said while getting my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. Both Woozi and The8 left while I was brushing away. I also brushed my long hair that was below my shoulders. I looked myself in the mirror. I should really start putting more effort on my new life. I jumped of the counter and went out until I was shocked by a yell,"ARAAAA SAVE ME NOW!" What was that? I look to my side to see DK screaming with S.coups running with a glare . My eyes widen. As DK passed by me he picked me quickly to continue running. I looked back to see Seungcheol running with all his might. DK was trying to run as fast as he could with me in his arms. I glanced at DK that was panting hard. He looked at me and gave me a cheerful smile. I really am starting to love my new Oppas❤️
It's your author here!! I'm sorry this took so long to write but school has started so study hard everyone. Get rest and eat properly because I'm like your mom. I'll legit be free to talk to anytime so anyone wanna be friends?

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