Part 24

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The sound of feet shuffling around the room disturbed the silence of my sleep. I opened my eyes to see the whole hip hop team all over the room. "Did you sleep well Ara?" Mingyu cheerfully asked. I nodded slowly while stretching. I remembered what happened last night making me freeze. My eyes blinked aggressively and I just sighed interlocking my hands tightly together. I looked at every soul in the room. Seungcheol was organizing my clothes from home into a drawer with Wonwoo. Vernon was sitting down on a chair with his head down assuming he is asleep. Mingyu was right beside me smiling. "When did you arrive?" I asked with my morning voice. Mingyu rubbed my head,"We came not too long ago." I nodded in understanding. A nurse came in with a metal cart. I saw on the top was a tray with food and on the second shelf I saw medicine. The nurse smiled and handed my food try on a table that was across my lap. "Make sure to take your medicine after you finish your meal." She said eagerly and left with the heavy metal cart. I looked at the food and stared blankly. I grabbed the spoon and looked at the whole meal. It looked bland and dull. "Do you wanna eat something else?" I heard Wonwoo ask. I nodded. Who in the right mind would want to eat this? Can't they put just a little effort? Wonwoo stood up and had a lunch box in his hand. My face lit up as I saw the metal figure. "All of us made it before we came. Eat well." Mingyu replaced the metal tray with the lunchbox. "Thank you for the food. Thanks Oppa!" I bowed with the chopsticks in my hands. I opened it slowly and saw how pretty it looked inside. I wasn't surprised Mingyu made it being the chef he is. The food made me sad knowing they have to take care of me so much. I took my spoon and scooped a spoonful of rice and stuffed it in my mouth. My eyes became watery but I kept stuffing my face to distract them,"Wah it taste really good!" Mingyu blushes in the corner of my eye but I ignored it. This food makes me homesick..
*Later on that night*
Visiting hours ended like an hour ago and I'm in my bed not being able to sleep at all. I couldn't take it. I stepped out of bed and wore my slippers.  The hospital walls were so bright yet so narrow. I didn't know where to go so I went up to the roof. It's probably not safe for a girl who is mental to be up here but oh well. The cold breeze ran through my hair and my hospital gown was inflated with the breeze. I went on the edge and sat down. The stars were pretty and bright. The moon was in the spotlight giving off its light. I sighed and looked up. I wonder how Grandma is doing. "Grandma! Can you hear me? I miss you!" I took a deep breath and continued,"I found a family! They're nice too and I love them very much! I feel bad for them! They do so much and I do so little! But I'll be a good daughter and make you happy! I love you Grandma!" I poured my heart into my little speech. It hurts my heart. I hope Grandma is watching below and saying "My baby" or something like that. I hope she is proud of me. My legs were dangling off the building and I lied down on the hard ground. The stars were really pretty today. I heard a door open revealing a boy around my age. He had jet black hair and a hospital gown. He looked surprise to see me but still sat next to me. "Hello, my name is Dae. What's your name?" He stuck out his hand and I just stared blankly at him. I shook his hand and replied,
"Ara. Did I steal your secret hideout?" He shook his head,"Nah. It's fine. I come here often but it's nice having a friend." I nodded. He lied down beside me and stared up to the stars. "So Ara, why are you here in this crazy place?" I flinched at the question. "My parents used to abuse me and I guess I can't let go of that." He looked at me,"Used to?" I sighed loudly," Yeah, I'm adopted right now by another family." He nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm here since my parents abuse me too. Well foster parents I guess. I guess we both have it hard." He's probably going through the same things as me. "I always wondered why the world was so mean to me I mean us. I don't remembering doing anything to deserve such cruel fate." I whispered with frustration. He grinned,"We can't stop fate. We can only change how we look at our fate." I stared at him trying to be positive. "Eh I guess"

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