Part 27

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I feel as if my whole life is just breakdowns and Seventeen rushing in to see if I'm okay. That vision had to be one of the scariest ones I've ever had to be honest. My heart was begging to get out of my rib cage. Jun had went to get me some water and it was just me and Joshua. I wondered what he was thinking about. Does he think I'm still out of my mind?
The look on Ara's face was way too familiar. I sighed while pouring her a glass of water. Did it come back? Or was it always there? What are we gonna do now? Send her to the hospital again? Call Mrs.Park? "Hyung! The water!" I realized the water was overflowing the cup and onto the counter. My reflexes grabbed a rag and pressed it against the puddle of water. I sighed in relief. Dino leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, "Thinking about Ara? Meeting tonight in the dining room with everyone excluding Ara. Don't forget." It was obvious he found out what happened and made sure to tell everyone. I grabbed the glass of water and went over to Ara's room to see Ara sleeping quietly while Joshua was rubbing her head. "She slept quickly. Must've been tired. I heard about the meeting. I'm not surprised that Seungcheol suddenly wants to do a meeting." Joshua said while standing up and brushing his clothes. "What do you think he is going to talk about?" I quietly asked. Joshua shrugged,"What to do next. Hey just stay here with Ara until the meeting in case she wakes up okay?" He left with no other words. I sat down in the chair next to Ara's bed. Her forehead was covered in sweat and she was breathing in heavy unsteady breaths. I took a look around her room. I remember seeing various members coming to this room in the middle of the night while Ara was in the hospital. I even remember sleeping in here. I also remember seeing Seungcheol crying in here. I can't believe we came so far with Ara that we can't stop thinking about her anymore. We even come to her room when we can't physically see her. The thought of Ara disappearing is haunting. Even though we only knew her for about a year, it felt as if we knew her ever since she was born. I stayed in that room for continuous hours waiting for Ara to wake up or for the boys to call me for the meeting. Time passed quickly in that room. It became 9:00 pm in a blink of an eye. "Jun, we need you." Seungcheol said trying to gather everyone. I nodded. I looked back at Ara hoping she won't wake up while I'm away. I stood up and closed the blinds leaving the door closed behind me. Everyone was in the dining room in their assigned seats waiting for me to sit down. There was a quick moment of silence before Seungcheol spoke up,"If you guys haven't heard about Ara yet, she had another....
breakdown I guess you can say." It took him awhile to find the word. He continued,"I feel as if the hospital thing didn't work at all. The day I picked her up, she looked like she was ready to leave and she never wanted to return." He took a deep breath signaling that he was done with his thought. "So what now? Who can help her now?" Woozi asked cautiously hoping Seungcheol won't explode. There was a long silence. No one knew the answer. "No one. We went through so many solutions but none of them worked. Now we have to take this through our own hands." Hoshi said participating in the discussion. "Oh so you expect a 9 year to handle this trauma on her own?" Seungcheol yelled. Shit. This is not gonna end well. "So what's your genius idea? Send her to ten more counselors?" Hoshi mockingly spoke. "Tch, we don't have time to help her 24/7. We're IDOLS! Of course we need someone else." Seungcheol started to stand up. Jeonghan was trying to calm down Seungcheol but he shrugged him off. "Oh wow. Ara is distraught I know but we can help. Not some stranger she just met." Hoshi stood up too. "SOONYOUNG. SHE IS ONLY NINE!" Seungcheol forcefully yelled. "Don't be so damn loud. Ara is sleeping." I tried to calm down the silence but it didn't help." Just because you're the leader doesn't mean our opinions don't count dammit." Hoshi replied looking down. Seungcheol charged at Soonyoung as if he was gonna fight. Everyone stood up holding Seungcheol and Soonyoung back. This is not the right timing. I stood in between them,"Gosh! Can't y'all not argue for just a simple discussion? This is Ara we're talking about! Not some experiment that went wrong!" I took one more deep breath. "Y'all need to cool off for the night. Get some rest. Tomorrow we will vote on who has the best decision. I also don't wanna see no one fighting no one. I don't think Ara would want to see it." Soonyoung shrugged off everyone leaving the scene. Seungcheol did the same and I whispered to him,"Get it together, leader." I left the scene furious trying to calm down. I went back to Ara's room to check if she was still asleep. I went back to her room to her sleeping silently. I hope she didn't hear anything. I kissed her forehead and whispered her goodnight. I left the room dark and silent praying we can find the right solution.

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