Chapter 1

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"Come on Em were gonna be late!", my mom yells as I rush downstairs. It's the first day of my senior year of high school.

"Mom, have you seen my beige cardigan?"

"Check the dryer, I'll be waiting for you in the car. Hurry up please!", my mom yells as she walks outside. "Brandon, let's go!" Brandon is my 15 year old brother, he's a freshman. Today's his first day of highschool.

I run to the laundry room, and grab my beige cardigan out of the dryer, to go along with my high waist shorts, caged crop top, and timberland boots. I grab my phone and and my Louis Vuitton purse off the kitchen counter and head out.

"I hope you know your going to be late, don't call me when they give you detention."

"You can't be late on the first day of school mom chill!", I say as I hop in the car. "So Brandon, your excited about being a freshie?"

"Shut the fuck up." he says rolling his eyes.

"Watch your mouth Brandon!" My mom yells.

"Its cool mom, thats why nobodys gonna talk to his ugly ass."

"Since when has been okay to use that kind of language around me? Or even use it period? Both of you cut it out." she says, in her serious tone. I sit back and eat my chocolate chip granola bar as I scroll through my newsfeed on Instagram.

As you may already know, I'm Emily. But mostly everyone calls me Em. I'm 17, and I attend NorthStone High School. I'm a cheerleader, the captain at that. I date the most popular boy at school, August Alsina. We've been dating since our freshman year. August is really tall, about 6'2, slim, light skinned, curly hair, beautiful smile, beautiful voice, he loves to sing, and most importantly MINE! As for me, I'm 5'5, light skinned, my moms Latino and my dad's black, I have long brown hair, and brown eyes.

"There's August! Bye Mom, see you later!", I say jumping out of the car.

"Bye hunny, I'll be here to pick you up from practice at 6!"

"August!", I yell as I walk towards him.

"Wassup Ma?", he says in his deep New Orleans accent.

"I called you last night, and you didn't answer. What were you doing?"

"I went to sleep early, had to get my beauty sleep for the first day!"

"Shut up!", I say laughing.

*dingggggggggggg* the school bell rings.

I kiss him on the cheek and we hold hands as we walk inside the building.

"EMILYYYYYY!" I stop walking and turn around to see who's calling me. It's my bestfriend Jessica!

"OMG, Jessica! I didn't talk to you all summer! Where'd you go?"

"Girl, my mom made me go spend the summer with my grandparents in Korea!"

"Babe, I'll catch up with you later.", August says walking away with his friends. I wave bye, and begin to walk with Jessica.

"So, did I miss anything in America?" I laugh. "Nothing really, I mostly spent my summer with August. You know how that goes."

"Oooooh, so did you finally give it up?" I roll my eyes, she knows I hate talking about sex with August. We've been together for 3 years now, I'm 17, and still a virgin. I plan on doing it soon, but I'm just not ready.

"No, I haven't! But you still have a lot to catch up on.. Come on Jess, let's go to class!", I say pulling her with me as I run down the hall.


I sit here, bored in history. So glad it's the last class of the day. I text August to see if he wants to do anything after school.

- Hey bae

August: wassup.. why u textin in class???

- I guess I just missed u a lot, lol... But u wanna go somewhere after school?

August: can't, goin to an audition, how about this weekend?

- ok, sure.. call me tonight. Love u.


"Contestant #531?", I walk into the room, nervous as hell. What if I studder? What if I forget the words? Shit, what if they think I can't sing?!

"Hello, State your name, age, and what your going to be singing please."

"My name is August Anthony Alsina, I'm 17, and I'm going to be singing Lady In My Life by Michael Jackson."

"Thanks, go ahead and begin," Before i start singing, I take a deep breath and say a little prayer to myself.

"... So let me keep you warm, through the shadows of the nights, let me touch you with my love, I can make you feel so right. Just come into my arms, while the world goes spinnin' by. In the glow of candlelight, I will show you you're the lady of my life."

"Wow, August you have a beautiful voice. Dan, don't you agree?"

"Absolutely, what about you Tina?"

"Totally, we'll I guess that's three yeses, and you only need two. Welcome to Hollywood youngman!"

"Wow, thank you.. Thank you so much!" I shake all their hands, and walk out. I immediately call my mom and tell her the news!

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