Chapter 25

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"You know babe, I was thinking about maybe taking the next step in our relationship", Natalie says cooking lunch.

"And what is that?"

"You know, getting married and starting a family"

"Natalie I don't think I'm ready to get engaged again right now?"

"Why?", she says turning around.

"It's just a lot going on"

"You still have feelings for Emily, don't you?"

"I mean I still care about her, but I love you you now. Stop worrying about Emily, she doesn't matter anymore", I say getting up. "I'm not hungry anymore"

I walk over to the couch and sit down. I turn on the tv and watch the game.

"I'm not worried about Emily, I just want the best for us", Natalie says, walking behind me massaging my shoulders. "I love you, I just want to make sure we're on the same page"

"You know I love you", I say pulling her onto my lap. I kiss her soft lips. Maybe it is time for me to move on and leave Emily in the past.


*Later that night*

I roll over to check if August is still asleep. I hear him snoring. I get up and put on some black pants, a black jacket, black combat boots, and a black beanie.

I walk outside to my car and get in.


"I'm ready, did you find out where she lives?"

"Yeah, 1112 Freedom Lane"

"I'll be there in 10"

I hang up the phone and drive to the address. When I pull up, I see my boys waiting outside. Carlos and Rico work for the mob, I've known them every since I was little. So I know they got my back whenever I need them.

"You sure you wanna do this ma?", Rico says giving me a hug.

"Yes I'm sure, now hurry up. I have to get back home before August wakes up"

Carlos and Rico walk to the front door, picks the lock and goes in. In about 30 seconds I hear screaming. Carlos walks to the front porch and signals me to come in.

When I walk in, everything is ruined. Lamps broken, the TV smashed. I smile. I walk to the back bedroom and I find Emily tied up in a chair, naked. I sit down in front of her.

"Well hello Ms.Emily. Do you remember me?"

She squirms around, trying to free her self. Tears roll down her face.

"I'm going to make this short, and not sweet. You know why I'm here. I'm here to make sure you never go near August again. You see, he's been bringing you up a lot lately and I don't like that. I don't like it at all", I say standing up.

"Do you know why your naked?"

She doesn't answer me, I grab the whip from Rico and slash it across her body. She tries to scream.

"I want you to fucking answer me when I'm talking to you bitch!", I snatch the duck tape off her mouth.

"Your naked because your nothing but a dirty little prostitute slut. That's all you ever will be now. You wanna be a slut, that's how I'm going to treat you", I sit back down.

"Rico, Carlos, go take care of her car while I finish up"

"No please, I just bought that. I'm trying to get back on my feet. Please"

"So you can get back to August, bitch I don't think so", I get up and start beating the shit out of her. Leaving her with bruises, scars, and a black eye.

"Now, you're going to stay far away from August, correct?"

She nods her head, crying.

"Or else, next time will be 10 times worse", I say getting up.

I slap the shit out of her one more time and walk out.

When I get outside, her car is all messed up. The windows are busted out, tires flat, the paint scratched, everything.

"Good job boys", I say handing Carlos and Rico each a stack of $10,000. "I'll keep you all posted", I say getting into my car. I drive back home.

When I get home, I go upstairs, wash up, and get back into the bed with August. I feel him wrap his arm around me. I smile and go to sleep.


*The next morning*

"Goodmorning baby", I say walking into the kitchen, kissing Natalie on the cheek. "What you doing?"

"Nothing, just finishing up these bills. What are your plans for today?"

"I think ima just chill here, might go to the gym later. What about you babe?", I say walking over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water.

"An interview, and another photo shoot"

"As always"

"Well I'm a busy woman", she says getting up.

I laugh and go lay back on the couch.

"I'm going to get dressed", she says coming over to me, tongue kissing me down with her soft lips.

About an hour and a half later she comes back out looking fine as hell with this tight black dress on and some Prada heels.

"Make sure nobody staring at my girl while you out nah", I say standing up giving her a hug and grabbing her ass.

"I'm not baby chill", she says laughing. "I love you, bye", she says walking out.

I grab me a bag of chips and plop back down on the couch. I flip through the channels trying to find something to watch.

*Ding Dong*

I wonder who that could be. I get up and go open the door. Emily.

"August help me please", she says crying falling in to my arms.

I look at her, and she has bruises all over her body and face with a black eye.

"Emily what happened to you?"

"Nat- Nat- Natalie", she manages to get out.

"Natalie what? Did she do this to you?", I say holding her.

I swear if I found out Natalie did this, that's it. I'm done with her.

"Baby I left my phone and my pur-", Natalie says walking in the house.

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