Chapter 15

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*7 Months Later*


"August I'm going into labor, I need you to meet me at Grady Hospital!"

"Alright, I'm coming. I'll be right there!"

I can't believe this is happening. I'm about to actually be a father.

"Emily", I say shaking her. "Wake up"

"What August? It's 3am"

"Draya's going into labor, I'm going to meet her at the hospital"

"Ok, I'll meet you there later"

I kiss her on the cheek. I get up, brush my teeth, and throw on some clothes and head to the hospital.


When I get to the hospital, I head to room 304. When I walk in, I see Draya asleep and August sitting down holding the baby. His baby. His son. I wanted to have his first child. I wanted to share these special moments with him.

"He's beautiful.", I say walking into the room. August looks up and smiles. "What'd y'all decide to name him?"

"Jonathan Alsina"

I throw a fake smile. I feel tears coming up, strong tears that I can't hold in. I rush out of the room and walk outside. I stand against the cold building.

"Emily I'm sorry"

I turn around and I see August walking towards me.

"I'm sorry for everything that's been happening. If I could go back and change it, I would. You know I wanted you to be the mother of my child. The first and only one."

"August it wasn't supposed to be like this", I say crying. "It was supposed to be just me and you and our kids, living happily ever after. No one else."

"I know baby, and I'm sorry I disappointed you. But all we can do now is move forward and try to work on this. Because I don't wanna lose you. I love you."

I look up, eyes red, tears still falling. "I can't do this right now August. I'm going home.", I say walking away towards my car.


I walk back into the hospital and take the elevator back up to the third floor. I walk towards the nurses station.

"Can I speak to our nurse? When ever she gets a chance?"

"Sure, I'll let her know."

"Thanks", I say walking away.

*knock knock*

"Someone said you needed to see me?", the nurse says walking in the room.

"Yeah, I wanted to know if it was possible to get a DNA test done on Jonathan? Or do I need his mothers permission?"

"As her father, you have the right to order a DNA test. I'll let the doctor know now so they can go ahead and get the blood work started. The results will be mailed to you within 3-5 days"

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, let me know if you need anything else."


- can it see u?

Fab- come over

I pull in Fabs driveway. I get out and walk into the house.

"What's wrong? You look stressed."

"I am", I say sitting on the couch.

"Tell me what's wrong", he says coming behind me, beginning to give me a massage.

"It's just a lot going on. Draya just had her baby"

"Did August ever get a DNA test?"

"No, she won't let him. But he's sure it's his. I mean, he looks just like him."

I begin to tear up. I wipe my falling tears with my hand.

"Everything will be alright baby. Everything happens for a reason", he says kissing me on the neck.

I close my eyes. Lord knows I want him right now. But is this right? I'm still engaged to August. His kisses begin to get softer, and wetter. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss his soft lips. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom.

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