Chapter 7

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"August I'm going grocery shopping, I'll be back."

"Mannnn, are you serious? How the hell you drop the ball?", he yells at the tv screen.

I walk out the house and get in my car.

Fab- u still comin?

- yea txt me ur address

Fab- 1461 Garmon Ferry Road

I drive up to the gate and press the buzzer.

"Who is it?"


The gates begin to open, & I drive through.

Fab comes outside with no shirt on looking fine as ever.

"Wassup?", he says giving me a hug. I follow him into the house. We go upstairs into his lounge and sip on wine. We talk about everything. Life, love, us, the future.


"Ma, I think I'm ready to take the next step with Emily. I wanna propose to her.", I say eating my moms home-cooked meal.

"Well son, if that's really what you want then go for it. How are you gonna do it?"

"I wanna make it special. & since I'm performing at the Super Bowl this year, I was gonna do it then."

"I think that's very special."

"Yeah, Ima go buy the ring tomorrow"


"You know your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen right?"

I blush, "Really?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me just take a look in the mirror."

"Your really sweet, a gentleman."

"Yeah, I try", Fab says brushing off his shoulders.

I laugh,"And funny"

"Em I know we just met the other day but I'm really feelin' you. Your beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, and I wanna get to know you more"

For a second I don't say anything. I instantly think of August. What would he do if he found out I was here?

"I wanna get to know you more to Fab", I respond smiling.


"I like this one mama", I say holding up a square diamond ring.

"I think Emily is more of a round kind of girl."

"What about this one?", I say holding up the Tiffany Soleste engagement ring from Tiffany & Co.

"That's beautiful August, I'll think she'll love it."

"I'll take this one"

"Great choice", the jeweler says walking towards the cash register. "Your total comes up to $35,670.31"

I hand him my black card, "I can't wait to see the smile on my baby's face"


"So how'd you get out jail today? What'd you tell August?"

I laugh, "I told him I was going grocery shopping. I should probably get going"

"I'll go with you"

"Are you sure?"



While we walk through the grocery store together, I feel like we're a couple. I've only been grocery shopping with August before.

"Okay, I just need to get some milk and that'll be all"

We walk towards the milk, and Fab keeps starring at me.

"What?", I ask him.

"Oh nothing, just admiring your beauty."

I began to blush, "okay, I'm ready."

"Woah, that quick? We just met the other day!"

I laugh, "Shut up, I meant I'm ready to check out." I walk towards the cash register and begin putting the groceries on the counter.

"Your total is $422.78", I hand her the black card August got me off of his account. Fab pushes the buggy outside to the car and puts the grocery's in the trunk for me.

After we leave the grocery store, I drop Fabulous back off at his house.

"I had fun spending time with you Em"

"I did too."

He begins to stare in my eyes, and I stare back. He then slowly leans in and kisses me on my lips softly. He smiles and gets out the car. What just happened? Did I really just cheat?


"August, can you help me bring the grocery's in?", I yell walking into the house setting my keys down.

"I got it baby, just go relax"

I smile, and go in the room to take a shower and change.

"So guess what baby?", August says fixing him a sandwich.


"I'm performing at the super bowl this year"

"And your just finding out? That's like in 2 weeks."

"I know, but I just have to practice about 3 songs. And I already know the routine I'm doing and everything. You know my team is gonna help me."

"Well that's great babe, I'm happy for you."

"Are you gonna be there?"

"What? Of course August. Why wouldn't I?"

"Just making sure baby.", he says walking towards me. "I love you Em, I don't ever wanna lose you. I want you to be in my life for ever"

"I love you too Auggie", I say kissing him.

"Ugh, I hate when you call me that."

I laugh, "I know"

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