Chapter 30

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"August, can we talk?", I say walking into the bedroom.

He looks up, "Yeah, what is it baby? Come sit on daddy's lap"

Daddy? Really? It's almost like he already knows. I walk over to him and sit down on his lap. I can feel my stomach getting ready to fall through my ass.

"Well, yesterday I threw up... A lot. And I went to the store and bought 5 pregnancy tests. They all said positive, I'm pregnant August. But I know you said you don't want kids right now. And I didn't get pregnant on purpose. I'm not trying to trap you or anything. We don't have to keep it. I can get an abor-"

"Baby, calm down. I'm happy your pregnant. Your my wife, I love you. I wouldn't want to start a family with anybody but you", he says kissing me.

I smile, tears begin to roll down my face. "Really?"

"Of course, lets go to the doctor to make sure"

I grab his face and kiss him so passionately. "August you make me feel like the happiest woman alive"

"That's all I want, is for you to be happy", he says smiling.


"Well Miss Emily, you are definitely pregnant. Your about 6 weeks."

I look at August, he grabs my hand.

"Are you excited?", the doctor says sitting down.

"Yes very, we both are", I say looking at August.

"Well, here's my card. You can call me whenever you like, if you have any questions or concerns.", the doctor said handing me a business card.

We shake her hand and then leave the doctors office.

"You know, I usually don't eat strawberry ice cream. But this is good", I say holding August's hand as we walk through the park.

"Gimme some", he says opening his mouth.

I laugh and put some ice cream in his mouth.

"Mmm", he says licking his lips. Lord, those lips.

"I can't believe we're starting a family", I say looking up.

"Me either, but I'm happy", he says rubbing my belly.

"Me too baby", I say kissing him.

I wouldn't trade this for the world.


"Em, I'll be back... I'm going to the studio", I say walking out the house.

She waves her hand goodbye and continues to watch tv.

I hop in my car and drive to the studio. When I get there, I see Candy sitting on the couch.

"Wassup?", I say walking over to her, giving her a hug.

"August, I'm glad you came. How are you?"

"Good. I'm married, with a baby on the way. Couldn't be better", I say sitting down.

She gives me this funny look, and changes the subject.

"I missed you, a lot"

"The only reason I came here is because I thought you had something to tell me"

"No, like I said on the phone. I just miss you", she says getting up.

She walks over to me and gets on top of me. She starts kissing me on my neck and grabbing my dick.


Something doesn't seem right. That strange phone call while we were on our honeymoon and now he has to all of a sudden go to the studio? You should always go with your gut, and my gut tells me some shit is going on with August.

I get up, grab my keys and head to the studio. When I get there, I see August's car parked out front.

I get out the car and tiptoe inside. I hear a girl laughing.

"Come on Auggie, be good for me", I hear her say.

Really? Auggie? I walk up to the door and take a deep breath and then I bust in.

I see August sitting down with a girl on top of him.

"What the fuck?", I say walking in.

"Man get the fuck off of me", August says pushing her off.

I would beat this bitch's ass, but I'm pregnant. I'm not trying to let anything happen to my baby.

I start crying and I run outside. I hop in my car and drive off.

About an hour later, I hear August come in. I close my eyes and pretend I'm asleep.

"Em", August says sitting on the bed. "Em, I know your not sleep"

I don't say anything, or move. I don't want to talk to him right now.

"Emily?", he says shaking me.

"What August? I don't wanna talk right now", I say turning over.

"Please baby? I made a mistake and I wanna fix it. I didn't do anything with her, I swear"

"Then why was she on top of you?", I say sitting up.

"When I got to the studio, she was there. We were just talking, catching up. And she got on top of me and started kissing me and grabbing my dick. And that's when you walked in. I tried to get her off, baby I swear. I would never do anything to hurt you"

"August I just want us to be a family, no lies, no games, no cheating. Just us loving each other and our child"

"It will be baby, I promise. I love you."

I lay there in his arms, until I fall asleep.

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