Chapter 23

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Its been three weeks since the funeral, and Emily hasn't come home. I'm really worried about her. I tried to file a missing persons report, but they said when a person is under so much stress and grief they usually run away. But it's not like Emily to run away, from the ones who love and care about her. I just hope she's okay.


"Pass me some more", I say sitting on the floor against the wall.

I take a book with cocaine on it and sniff it through my nose. I instantly begin to feel relaxed. That's exactly why I ran away from home. I needed a break. I felt so stressed, and now I feel like my stress is finally going away.

I've been living in this house with other people who do cocaine. We all usually sleep on the floor. I don't mind.

"You know what they call people like us?", Yvette says sitting next to me.


"Crackheads. And crackheads don't get a nan thang in life buh shit. You wuz uh smart guh. Why yu wan be lih us?"

I scrunch my shoulders. "I was going through a lot."

"Yu kno yo man prob lookin fo yu"

"Yeah I know"


It's been a about two months now since I've been living homeless. I wanna go back home. I moved out of the crack house, and I've been living on the streets. I eat about once a day and it's usually something I find on the street or something somebody gives me. I haven't taken a bath or brushed my teeth in weeks. I feel horrible.

"Excuse me sir, could I please have a dollar or two or something?", I ask a man as he passes me by. He doesn't say anything, he just keeps walking.

I can't keep living like this. I need to get help. But I also can't go back gone, what will August say when he see's me like this?

I walk down the street, when I see some girls dressed in skimpy outfits standing outside.

"Damn girl you look like you been through it", they say laughing. "Come here"

I look up and walk over to them.

"You homeless?", one of the girls ask. I nod my head.

"We are too, but we make money"

"Are y'all prostitutes?"

"Shhh, you can't be saying that out loud ! But yeah we are, and we can get you down if you want"

Maybe this is my chance. If I earn enough money, I clean myself up and go back home to August and pretend nothing ever happened.

"Yes! I'm in"

"Meet us back here tomorrow when it gets dark"

I walk down the street and go to the same place I met the prostitutes. I look around but don't see them.

"Over here", I here somebody yell from behind. I look back, and it's the sMs girl from yesterday. I walk to the alley where I see her.

"Our pimp comes to pick us around this time"


"Our boss!", she yells. "There he is"

I look back and see a black escalade with tinted windows and 32 inch rims. A man gets out the truck.

"Who the fuck is this?", he yells.

"This is Emily, she wants to get down in the business", one of the girls answers.

He stares me up and down. "Get in the truck, we need to get you cleaned up. Ana you come with us"

I follow one of the girls into the truck. During the rude, nobody talks. Loud music just plays. We pull up to a motel and get out.

"Go take a shower, wash your hair and everything and come back out", the guy says opening the door. "And you can call me Benny"


"Babe, I'm hungry. Come cook for me", I yell as I flip through the channels.

"Your always hungry August", Natalie says sitting on my lap.

Natalie is a girl I met a few months ago at one of my shows. We were friends for a while, nothing serious. But when Emily left, Natalie was here for me and things between us started to grow. Next thing you know, I labeled her as my girlfriend and she moved in with me.

"So you not gone feed me?", I pout.

"What do you want?"

"You", I say kissing her all over her neck.

She laughs, "August stop!"

"Mmm, I love you"

"I love you more", she says kissing me with her soft lips.


After my shower, I come outside the bathroom with nothing but a towel on.

"Drop the towel", Benny says puffing on a cigar.

"What? I just met you. I don't feel comf-"

"Drop the fucking towel", he says sitting up. I drop the towel and stand there naked.

"Your my bitch now, anything I say do you do it. Understand?"

I nod my head.

"Now come suck my dick bitch. I can't put you out in the streets for business until I know for sure your gonna make me money"

I don't even know this man and he wants me to give him oral sex? Hell no. August is the only man I've ever done anything with.

"I don't feel you suckin yet bitch", Benny says laying back with his eyes closed.

I grab my towel off the floor and wrap it around. I run out the door and run as fast as I can to August's house. When I get there, I bang on the door as loud and fast as I can.



"Babe do you hear that?", Natalie says waking up.

"Hear what?", I say sitting up, rubbing my eyes.

"Somebody's at the door August"

"It's 2:00 in the morning though"

"Go see who it is", she says getting up putting on her robe.

"Stay here", I say getting up and going to the door.

When I open the door I see a girl with wet hair in nothing but a robe shivering sitting on the floor. When I look at her face to see who it is, she looks just like Emily. But it can't be Emily. Maybe it's just my mind, maybe I just miss her too much. I start to go back inside to call 911, and then I see a tattoo on her back. The same matching tattoos Emily and I got when we graduated high school.

"Emily?", I say bending down.

Startled, she jumps and looks up at me.

"August? Is that you? Help me! Please"

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