Chapter 32

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"Open this one Em", my little cousin says handing me a box.

"Is this from you?", I say opening the gift.

"Yes! Well, me and my mommy", she says jumping up and down.

I smile, as I open the box. I look and see that it's a pair of infant Jordan's, Gamma Blue 11s.

"These are so cute, look August", I say holding the shoes up. I look up and see August standing in the corner on the phone, laughing. I roll my eyes.

"Okay now, you know we saved the best for last", August's mom says handing me her present.

I open it and see that it's a beautiful, brown leather bible with blue ribbons. I throw a fake smile and thank her. I keep looking up at August, still on the phone.

"I'll talk to him", August's mom says, walking over to August.

I stand up and thank everyone for coming out to the baby shower.


"This baby is already spoiled and he isn't even here yet", I say rubbing my belly.

"Yeah I know", August says texting on his phone.

"Really August? Texting and Driving? And then the whole time during the baby shower, you were glued to your phone. Who have you been so interested in lately?"

"Nobody, just fan stuff. Ya heard me?", he says sliding his phone in his pocket.

I roll my eyes, and look out the window.

I toss and turn in the bed. For some reason I can't fall asleep. I start getting these sharp pains in my sides and all of a sudden I feel a whole bunch of water fall between my legs.

"August", I say shaking him. "Wake up, I need to go to the hospital"

"What?", he says rolling over.

"My water broke, take me to the hospital"

He jumps up and goes to throw on a shirt and his slides.

"Let's go", he says helping me out the bed.

"Ahhhh, it hurts August", I yell during the car ride to the hospital.

"We're almost there baby, just hold on"

I look up, and I notice August is going 80 mph and running through red lights. Im in too much pain to lecture him on driving right now.

When we get to the hospital, august parks and jumps out the car and runs inside the hospital. About 5 seconds later I see three nurses run out with a wheelchair. They open the passenger door for me and help me into the wheelchair.

"I'm coming in baby, I'm going to park", August says hoping in the car.

The nurses rush me up to the maternity floor and get me hooked up to the IVs.


When I walk into the hospital room, Emily is sound asleep. I sit down, and just begin to think. I see how beautiful she is, and how beautiful my child is going to be. I really need to get my shit together. This is my wife, the mother of my child. Blessings like this don't come everyday.

"We need to wake her up, so we can give her the epidural", a nurse says walking in.

I nod my head and walk out.

"August, baby how's Emily doing?", my mom says walking towards me.

"She's fine, there giving her her epidural right now", I say hugging my mother.

"Oh I'm so excited for my grandson to get here. Are you excited?"

"Yes, very. Nervous too.", I say scratching my head.

"That's completely normal"

"You all can come in now, we're ready for delivery", the nurse motioning for us to come in.


I'm so ready to get this over with. These contractions are killing me and I'm so sore.

"Ok Emily, on 3 I need you to push as hard as you can for me, ok? 1..2..3.."

"Ahhhhhhh", I yell squeezing August's hand as I push.

"It's okay baby", August says holding my hair back.

After about 3 more pushes, I feel the baby come out. I look down & I see the doctor holding my son. Tears of joy instantly start to fall down my face.

The doctor cleans up Derek and hands me him.

"Hi handsome", I say tickling his cheek. "He looks just like you August"

"Yeah, I know", August says smiling with watery eyes. "I love you Emily", he says kissing my forehead.

"I love you too August"

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