Chapter 24

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I pick Emily up off the floor and carry her inside. I set her down on the couch.

"Umm babe, who is that?"' Natalie says walking in.


"Emily? Johnson? Your ex fiancé?"

"Yes Natalie!"

"Why is she here and why does she look like that?"

"Don't you think I would like to know that too?"

I walk down the hall to the basement where I put all of Emily's stuff. I grab one of her sweatshirts and a pair of her shorts.

"Emily, put these on", I say handing her the clothes. She sits up and puts on the clothes.

"I'll talk to her in the morning. Just go back to bed for now", I say kissing Natalie.

I turn around and see that Emily is sound asleep. I cover her up with a blanket and turn off the lights and go back to bed.

*The next morning*

I wake up, with the sun beaming in my face. I roll over and see that Natalie is gone. I jump up and reach for my phone.


"Baby, you aren't mad at me are you? I'm sorr-"

"No August, I'm at my photo shoot. I'll be back home around 1. I love you"

"I love you"

I hang up the phone and walk in the den to check on Emily.

"Goodmorning", she says opening her eyes.

"Why did you leave?"

She looks up with tears in her eyes. "August I was under a lot of stress after losing my mom. I felt like I needed to get out, so I ran away without telling anybody. But then I started getting tangled into the wrong crowd"

"What kind of wrong crowd?", I say getting concerned.

"Like, crackheads. I started doing crack, and I got addicted. I was living in a crack house every night"

"Emily are you fucking crazy? You know my dad died from crack addiction"

"I know and that's why I wanted to change. But I lost all my money from buying crack. So I was going to try prostitution bu-"

"Emily what the fuck?", I say getting mad. I can't believe this shit.

"August please don't be mad. I did it for you. So I could make enough money to come back home to you. But on my first night the guy tried to rape me. So I ran away and came here. August I'm sorry", she says crying.

I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her. She cried into my shoulder.

"Everything is gonna be alright Em, your with me now", I say rubbing her back.

"Baby I brought you lun-", Natalie says walking in the house. "What the fuck is going on?"

I jump up, "Nothing, baby can we talk?"

I can tell Natalie is mad as hell. I grab her hand and pull her into our bedroom. "It's not what it looks like"

"I just walked in on my boyfriend cuddling with his crackhead ex-fiancé. It is what it looks like", she says letting go of my hand.

"She was telling me what happened to her and she started crying so I was comforting her"

"August I don't give a fuck. That's your past, I'm your present and future. Give the bitch some clothes, food, money and send her on her way"

"Baby I can't just do her like tha-"

"Just let me know when you've figured out what you want, me or her", she says storming out the room.

"Baby wait", I say grabbing her arm pulling her back. "I want you. I only want you. I'll take care of her."

"Now August"

I walk to the dresser and grab my check book. I write a check for $50,000. I walk out into the den.

"Here Emily", I say handing her the check.

"What's this?"

"It's a check for $50,000. That should be enough for you to buy an apartment, get cleaned up, find a job. You know, get you back on your feet"

She looks at me in disgust.

"Your old clothes are in the basement if you want them. You can spend the night here tonight if you want. But this is the last night"

"So this is what I am to you now August? Just your crackhead prostitute ex-fiancé that you don't give a shit about?", she says tearing up.

"Emily you know I care about you. But I moved on. I'm helping you the most I can."

"You'll soon realize who your heart is with. Call me when you do", she says leaving a piece of paper on the table. She grabs her stuff and storms out. Slamming the door.

"Good daddy, now come make it up to mommy", Natalie says pulling me into the bedroom.

Fuck! What the fuck did I just do?

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