Chapter 13

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I haven't talked or seen August ever since that night in the car when he told me he got someone pregnant. I didn't even ask who, how long has he known, when did it happen, none of that. In a way, I still can't believe it's true.

"And you didn't ask who he got pregnant?", my brother says playing the game.


"What? Shit, I wanna know"

I laugh, "I mean yeah I wanna know too, but I don't think my heart can take anything else. What if it's someone I know? Or even one of my friends?"

"Then you better whoop that bitch ass"

"Shut up Brandon", I say slapping his arm.

Although my brother and I didn't get along that well when we were younger, we've really gotten closer over the past couple of years.

"I might have to have a word with August myself though, for hurting my sister like that"

"Just let me talk to him first"

"Alright, let me know when you need me to bring out the glock though."

I laugh,"Your silly, but I better get going. It's getting late"

"Alright let me walk you out", he says pausing the game.

"Bye Mom! Call me!", I yell walking out the front door.

"Bye sweetie!", she yells back.

I walk outside to my car, and I give my brother a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Call me if you need anything", he says shutting the car door for me.

"I will, love you Brandon"

"Love you too sis"

I wave and drive off. When I pull up to the house I see August sitting on the steps. I get out and walk over to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Emily I know you probably don't wanna talk to me, but can we please just talk. Let me explain everything, I'm sor-"

"August please! There's nothing for you to explain. You cheated, and you got someone pregnant. You ruined everything we ever had. End of discussion.", I say unlocking the door. As I walk into the house he follows me in. "Please leave, leave me alone"

"Hold up, this is my house. I pay the bills up in this motherfucker"

"Alright, well I'll leave", I say walking towards the door.

"Wait, no. Emily I didn't mean it, please come back.", he says pulling me back. "Can we please talk?"

"You have 2 minutes"

"The girl I got pregnant is Draya, but I don't think it's mine because it was just a one night stand and I used a condom."

"30 seconds left", I say looking at my watch.

"And she won't give me a DNA test, I keep asking her but every time I do she gets mad."


"Emily please help me, I don't wanna lose you. I proposed to you because I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."


"Can we just try and work on this and move forward? Can we atleast see if the baby is really mine?"

"August I don't know what to say... Draya was a close friend of mine. I can't believe you went behind my back and did something like that. I thought you really cared about me."

"I do baby, I do care about you. & I always will. Look, I fucked up. I take full responsibility for everything, just please let me make everything right"

I don't say anything. I stand there in silence with tears falling down my face. I gave my everything to this man and he betrayed me. I know I'm messing around with Fab, but I never slept with anyone but August. How could he do me like that?

"Baby please don't cry, I'm sorry", he says walking over to me wrapping his arms around me. I feel weak, and hurt. As much as I'm still mad at him, I just lay my head on his chest and cry.

"Can you stay with me tonight August? I don't want to go through this alone"

"Of course baby, you know Ima always be here for you"

We walk upstairs and take a shower together. After the shower, August picked me up with nothing but a towel on. Water still dripping from both of us. He kisses me all over my body, tracing my curves with his tongue. I feel his tongue slowly move down to my cat.

"Mmm August", I gently moan.

He moves his tongue up and down, in a circle, in and out. Getting faster with each stroke. I put my hand down, grabbing his curls, pushing his head in further.

"Ooh, I'm about to cum", I moan.

My body squirms around, as I begin to reach my climax. He doesn't stop, I moan louder and louder. Each moan closer together. He then comes up, kisses me, allowing me to taste myself.

"I'm sorry", he says looking into my eyes. "I love you Em"

"I love you too August", I say holding his face, kissing him.

I lay there, falling asleep in his arms.

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