Chapter 12

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"Stop it Fab!", I say wiping my face.

"I love whip cream"

"Well eat it and stop spraying it on me"

"I wanna eat it off you though", he says licking my face.

I laugh, "Your silly."

Fab and I decided to have a picnic in the park today. I get up and begin to clean up our trash and fold the blanket.

"Let's go for a walk babe", I say grabbing his hand. We walk through the park laughing and talking as if we were a real couple. As if I never met August and I wasn't engaged.

"I love you Emily", he says standing in front of me.

For a second I don't say anything. Do I love him? How can I love him if I love August?

"So you don't love me back? I thought you felt the same way.", he says backing up.

"No, I do love you. I love you too Fab", I respond pulling him back into me. I kiss him on his soft lips and grab his hand. We find a spot by the lake, and we lay down and enjoy the sunset.


"Hey baby"

"Hi August"

"That's all I get?"

"What? I said hi"

"Anyways, I'm in ATL tonight."


"You coming to the concert"

"Sure, but I gotta go.. Bye"

I walk back outside to the pool at Fabulous's house and I hand him his drink.

"Thanks babe"

"Your welcome", I say sitting next to him.

"Can I take you out tonight?"

"August is going to be home tonight, I'm sorry babe"

"Man I'm tired of sharing you with this nigga. I want you to myself"

"You knew before you started talking to me that I was in a relationship. What's the difference now?"

"I actually have feelings for you now!"

"Can we just take things slow?"

"Nah, hit me up when you know what you want", he says getting up, walking into the house.

"Fabulous!", I yell. He continues to walk, not looking back or stopping.

I get up, get dressed, grab my stuff and go home.


"You did good baby!", I say kissing August as he walks backstage.

"Thank you, can I take you out tonight?"

"Of Course"

We go home and shower and get changed and head out to a restaurant.

"Table for 2", August says as we walk into the restaurant.

"Right this way"

We follow the waiter to a table and we sit down.

"Your waiter will be right out"

I look through my menu, deciding on what I should order.

"I really missed you these past couple of weeks Em"

I look up, "I missed you to August"

"I missed waking up to your beautiful smile and stank morning breath"

I laugh.

"And it missed that laugh", he says grabbing my hand.

"I missed yours too"

"Hi, I'm John I'll be your waiter for this evening. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"I'll have a Coke"

"Sweet Tea for me", I say to the waiter.

"Ok and any salads or appetizers?"

"No thanks."

"Ok I'll be right back with your drinks to take your order", the waiter says walking away.

For the rest of the evening we laugh and talk, as if we hadn't seen each other in years.

"It's something I need to talk to you about", August says during the car ride back to his hotel.

"What is it? I hope it isn't bad."

"It kind of is", he says scratching his head.

"You cheated again?"


"You want to break up?"


"Well what is it August?"

"I think I have a baby on the way...."

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