Chapter 20

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I spent the night back at August's house last night. When I wake up, he's right next to me. I stare at him, admiring him for about 30 minutes until he wakes up.

"Goodmorning baby", he says rolling over.

"Goodmorning", I say smiling. "I should go start on breakfast since your up."

I get up with nothing but lace lingerie on. I put on my silk robe and walk downstairs to cook breakfast.

While I'm cooking, I hear August coming down the steps and into the kitchen. He comes up behind me and kisses me on the neck.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Bacon and cheese omelets"

"I was hoping you would say you", he says pouting.

I smile and set the breakfast on the table. We sit down and eat.

"Can you move back in now Em?", August asks stuffing his face. I don't respond.

"Please baby", he says setting his fork down. "Please"

He gets up and kisses me on my neck a thousand times. "Pleaseeee"

"Okay August!", I say laughing. "I love you"

"I love you more my queen"


"Where would you like these ma'am?", the movers ask holding my box of shoes.

"In the first closet upstairs in the master bedroom"

I walk over to August, wrapping my arms around his waist, looking up at him.

"Hopefully this is the last time I have to move out"

"It will be babe, I promise", he says kissing me on the forehead.

My phone begins to ring. I look down at the caller ID and it's my mom.

"I'll be right back", I say walking into the house.

"Hey mom"

"This is Brandon, can you meet us at Grady hospital? Moms in really bad shape"

"What? What happ-"

"Just hurry up Em! Room 509!"

I hang up the phone and grab my keys.

"August I'll be back, my mom is in the hospital!"

I jump in the car and drive off before he has time to say anything. When I arrive at the hospital I get on the elevator and go to the fifth floor. I find room 509, and I see Brandon sitting by the bed with my mom in it.

"Mom, are you okay?, I say walking to her. She doesn't respond. "Brandon what happened?"

"She had a really bad seizure, she hasn't woken up yet. They say she's in a coma"

"Is she gonna make it?", I say with tears falling down my face.

"They said its a great chance she won't, but we'll just have to see"

"Mom, please stay with us", I say holding her hand.

"I'm gonna go home and wash up, I'll get back tonight"

For the rest of the night, I stay by my moms side. After a while, I see her eyes open. I feel my heart beginning to heal.

"Mom, are you okay?", I ask softly.

"Emily, is that you baby?"

"Yes mommy, it's me. Brandon went home to wash up, he'll be right back. How are you doing?"

"I love you Emily, please tell Brandon I love him too and please continue to be the strong beautiful smart woman that I raised. Congratulations on your engagement, I love you. Tell August I love him also.", she says slowing closing her eyes.

"Mom no, please open your eyes. I love you. Please mommy"

The beeps on the machine start to get closer together until I see a straight line on the screen and all I hear is beeeeeeep.

"Mommy no! Please come back! You can't leave!", I say screaming and crying.

Nurses and doctors rush in with equipment. I feel one nurse pull me out of the room and tell me I can't stay. I kick and scream and I try to fight back. But I have no luck. They close the curtains and shut the door. I stand outside kneeling on the floor, screaming and crying. I feel empty, helpless, lost.

"Emily, what happened?", Brandon yells running down the hall.

"She's gone. She's gone.", I yell over and over. My mother is gone.

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