Chapter 22

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I lay in bed, starring at the walls. I hear August walk in.

"I'm not going to the funeral August so don't ask", I say not turning around.

"Yes you are Emily, this is your last chance to say goodbye to your Mother. You didn't even go to the wake yesterday. Now get up."

"I don't have anything to wear"

"Your outfit is hanging up on the door. My stylist came by this morning and dropped it off. Some makeup and hair people will be by in a about an hour", he says walking out the room.

After about 15 min, I finally get up and go inside the bathroom to take a shower. My whole body feels weak. Like my bones could crumple in any second.

I hear a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in", I groan. A lady walks in.

"Hi Emily, I'm Rebecca. I'm here to do your hair and makeup"

I roll my eyes and sit down at my vanity. She does a light natural makeup look on me and does my hair into an updo.

"All finished, do you like it?", she says looking at me through the mirror.

"Sure", I say softly.

"Okay, well I'll leave you in here to get dressed", she says walking out and closing the door behind her.

I put on my outfit and a black church hat, and my black Prada sunglasses so that no one can see my face.

I walk downstairs, where I find August and all my immediate family members waiting for me.

"You look beautiful Emily", my Aunt says walking over to me.

"I'm ready to go", I say walking outside. I walk to the limousine and open the door.

"I was gonna get that for you, let me help you Em", August says rushing over to me.

"I got it August!", I yell. He doesn't say anything. He gets in with me.

When we arrive at the church, it's packed. I hold August's hand walking to the front row. We sit down.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate and remember the life of Mrs. Luciana Camille Johnson."

The pastor says his sermon and the choir sings. Some of the family members go up to say things about my mother.

"We're now going to here a few words from Mrs. Lucy's children. Brandon and Emily."

My brother grabs my hand and we walk up together. He says his speech first and then I say mine.

"My mother was a very wonderful woman. Not only did she inspire me, but she left a legacy on a lot of other people. Like my fiancé said, we can't question God or ask him why, we can just be thankful for the time he allowed us to spend with her. I miss my mommy so much, and I will always love her", I say beginning to cry.

Brandon comes to comfort me and escorts me back to my seat. After the funeral we all go to the cemetery for the burial. When they begin to lower my mothers casket into the ground I begin to scream and cry.

"Mom no! You can't leave!", I yell. I try to jump in the hole with the casket. August and Brandon hold me back.

While we walk back to the limos, I see my father.

"Why the fuck are you here!", I yell. "You didn't want anything to do with us when she was alive, what do you want now?"

"Come on baby, it's okay", August says pulling me with him into the car. I cry and cry into his shoulder while he rubs my back and tells me everything is going to be alright.

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