Chapter 21

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I lay in bed, crying. Like I've been doing for the past couple of days.

"You hungry babe?", August says sitting down next to me. I don't say anything. I just roll over to my other side so that he can't see my face.

He starts rubbing my shoulders and back. "Everything is going to be alright"

"No August, everything is not going to be alright. Leave me the fuck alone! Get out!", I yell.

He gets up, and walks to the door. "Just let me know if you need anything, I love you"' he says closing the door behind him.

I never thought this would be happening. I mean, of course we know our parents are going to leave us someday. But I'm only 21, why so soon? She didn't get to see me get married, or have kids. She didn't get to see my brother graduate. What am I going to do without my mother, my bestfriend? Is it maybe just my time to go too? I close my eyes and try and go to sleep.


"Emily, come on and get up. We have to go meet your brother at the funeral home to pick out a casket and everything", August says opening the blinds.

"I'm not going"

"Come on Em, do his for your mom"

He picks me up out the bed and carries me to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet while he runs my bath water.

"You know I'm gonna always be here for you right baby?"

I nod my head. "I just wanna know why? Why did she have to leave?", I say crying.

"We can't question God Em, all we can do is be thankful for the time he allowed us to spend with her"


I pick her up and set her in the bathtub. I wash her up as much as I can.

"You ready to get out?", I say grabbing a towel. She doesn't respond. I pick her up and dry her off. I get her dressed and carry her outside to the car.

When we arrive at the funeral home, I see Brandon standing outside.

"Wait here Em, I'll be back to get you", I say getting out of the car.

"Wassup fam", I say dapping up Brandon. "How you been hanging in there?"

"Barely. How's Emily been?"

"Horrible, she won't eat, or even come out the room. I've been doing everything for her"

"I'm glad to hear you taking care of my sister"

"Of course, let me go get her though", I say walking towards the car. "Emily you ready to get out?"

"I don't care", she groans. I figured she was going to say something like that.

I help her get out of the car and I hold her hand as we walk into the funeral home.

"Hello, Welcome to Bakers Funeral Home", a man says as we walk in.

"Hi, we're here to pick out a casket and arrange a funeral and everything for my mother", Brandon says shaking the mans hand.

"Oh yes, you all are the Johnson's. Correct?"

"Correct!", Emily yells in a aggravated tone. I pull her into me.

"Your mothers body is in the back being preserved. We picked her up from the hospital the night of her death. Follow me to my office so we can get the paperwork and everything completed."

We all follow the man down the hall to his office. We walk in and sit down.

"We want the wake to be Friday around 4 and the funeral to he Saturday at 2", Brandon says.

"Have you decided on what type of casket?"

"A two door silver one"

"Excellent, I'll have everything ready in time. I'll give you all a call throughout the week", the man says standing up.

We stand up and shake his hand and walk out.

On the drive home, Emily falls asleep. I really miss her. I miss her laugh, her smile. I miss kissing her and holding her. When we pull up to the house, I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. I change her into her night clothes and cover her up. I walk downstairs and call my mom.


"Hey Ma"

"Hey honey, how's everything? How's Emily?"

"Bad, I've been helping her as much as I can though"

"That's good, when's the funeral?"

"Saturday at 2, the wake is Friday at 4"

"I'll definitely be there"

"I guess I should go check on Emily, I love you Ma"

"I love you too sweetie, bye"


I hang up the phone and go upstairs to get in the bed with Emily. I hold her tight, and fall asleep with her wrapped in my arms.

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