Chapter 14

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I wake up, roll over and see that I'm alone. Where is August? I sit up and reach over to grab my phone and I see a note sitting on the nightstand.

I forgot to tell you last night that I had an interview this morning at 9:00 with power 97. I'll be back as soon as it's over and we can have lunch, go shopping, whatever you want. I love you...

- Aug

I smile and put the note back. I get up, take a shower and throw on a Nike outfit. I put my hair in a ponytail and head to the gym.

When I get to the gym, I see Jessica on the treadmill. I get on the one next to her.

"Hey Jess", I say starting my treadmill. She doesn't hear me because she has headphones in. I tap her shoulder. She looks at me.

"Hey Em", she says taking out her headphones.

"I haven't heard from you in a while, everything been okay?"

"Yeah, but I was just getting ready to leave. I've been here all morning. Bye Em, I'll call you", she says rushing off.

I wonder why she's been acting like that lately? I put my headphones in and begin my workout.


"So August, tell me... Who's this special lady in your life you proposed to at the Super Bowl?", Angie Martinez asks.

"Emily, she's been my girlfriend since high school. & I finally decided to pop the question"

"Wow, both of you are very lucky. True love is very hard to find these days"

"Yeah it is, love, loyalty, trust and all that put together is very hard to find. She's always gave me everything I wanted in a woman. I've fucked up a few times here and there but she's still here by my side and I'm blessed to have her in my life. Ya heard me?"

"Do you still have problems with groupies now that your engaged?"

"I mean, I wouldn't call them groupies, I would say more of just loving fans, but as far as girls still trying to fuck me after the shows and what not, yeah"

She laughs, "So let's talk about the music... You just released your first album, Testimony. How's that been for you?"

"It's been great, I've been getting so much love from everyone. Not just from fans but other artists in the game. Of course any artist expects their work to do good, but I didn't expect it to make number one so fast. It's only been a week"

"Well that raps up our interview for today, we're going to play a few songs off the album, starting off with your Intro, Testify. It's Angie Martinez from Power 97, thanks for listening."

After the interview I take pictures, mingle, and then head back home.


I hear August coming in the house. "I'm home Em", he yells walking into the kitchen.

"How was the interview?"

"Great, but I'm starving. Can we go get something to eat?"

"I already ate", I say getting up.

"What? Why didn't you wait on me? You didn't read my note?"

"Yes I read your note. August it's 3:00, I was hungry. You can go pick you up something to eat"

"Baby, how long are you gonna be mad at me?", he says coming up behind me kissing me on the neck.

"Until your not the father of someone else's baby anymore", I say sarcastically.

"You know that's not possible Em"

"Ok so I guess forever then", I throw a fake smile, grab a bowl of fruit out of the fridge, and head into the bedroom to watch tv. I close the door behind me.

After a couple of minutes, I hear August grab his keys and slam the door.



"I'm outside, open the door"

Draya comes outside looking fine as ever, with a fineassgirls pink crop top on and some black leggings.

"I knew you'd come back daddy", she says laughing.

"Man cut the jokes, I just wanted to talk to you"

"Ok talk", she says sitting down on the couch.

"When's your first appointment?"


"What do you mean why? I wanna go with you. It's my baby too."

She doesn't say anything, she just stares at me.

"And I still want a DNA te-"

"August didn't I tell you to stop fucking asking me that shit? It's your baby damn!"

"You gone give me DNA test wether you want to or not. I ain't doing shit for you or that baby until I know for sure if it's mine"

"What do you think I am? A smut? Your the only one I slept with August, it's your baby. So you might as well go ahead and take that ring back from Emily and give it to me because your going to be seeing me for the rest of your life"

I get up and walk towards the door.

"So your going to leave like a little bitch? It's time to grow up and be a man daddy."

I slam the front door and get in my car and drive off. I feel my stomach growling and remember I haven't eatin yet. I go threw a McDonald's drive thru.

"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"

"Yeah let me get a 10pc chicken nugget meal, honey mustard sauce, with a sprite. & make it a large"

"$7.86 drive around to the first window"


"OMG TANIKA COME HERE! ITS AUGUST ALSINA", the girl yells as I pull up to the first window. I smile and hand her my money.

"Oh my god, can I please get your autograph and take a picture? I'm your biggest fan"

"Sure", I sign a notebook she hands me and I take a selfie with her through the window.

"Oh my god thank you August, I love you! Tell Emily, and Mama Aug, and your nieces I said hi!"

"I sure will", I smile and drive to the next window.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!", the girl screams as she hands me my food. I laugh.

"Oh my god I love you so much August can I take a picture?"

"Sure", I take another selfie though the window. I wave goodbye and I drive off.

On my way home I eat my fries. I hear my song Get Ya Money come on. I turn the radio up.

"They don't ever see you like I do
First thing when you wake up
Before you put on your make-up
And they don't really know you like I do
Cause with me you ain't the same
You ain't gotta run no game
Girl cause what you do and what I do ain't different
We both on a mission
I love your ambition"

I pull up in the driveway and get out. I walk in the house and see Emily sound asleep on the couch. I pick her up and put her in the bed. I tuck her in, and kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you August", she whispers.

"I love you too Em"

I change into my bed clothes, which is boxers and no shirt and I get in the bed with her. I fall asleep with her wrapped in my arms.

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