Chapter 31

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*8 Months Later*


Today August and I have a photo shoot together. We thought it'd be nice to take some pictures together while I'm pregnant. We're both wearing jeans with no shirts.

"Babe you ready?", I yell walking to the door.

"Yeah I'm coming", August says walking into the kitchen. "Let me carry that for you"

"August it's just my purse, I got it"

"I don't want you carrying heavy stuff"

"If I can carry your son, then I can carry anything", I say laughing.

Yes, it's a boy. And I'm so excited. We decided to name him Derek Christopher Alsina. I can already tell he's going to have a mind of his own, just like his daddy.

"I was talking to my cousin this morning", I say flipping through a magazine.

"And?", August says cooking dinner.

"She said she's planning me a baby shower"

"Am I invited?"

"Really August?"

He laughs, "You want green beans or peas?"

"Neither", I say sitting up.

"Well what do you want?"

"A burger and fries"

"You have to eat healthy baby, and you didn't walk today. Tomorrow we're going walking when you wake up"

"August please, I only have one month left to this pregnancy. It doesn't really matter anymore"

"Everyday counts Em", he says setting my plate down in front of me.

I roll my eyes. I don't want this. Why can't he just do what I say and get me what I want? But I eat it anyways, because I know it's only because he cares. And it's best for the baby.

"I'm going to take a shower, call me if you need me", August says walking out the room.


I take a long, hot shower. To get my thoughts and my mind together. It honestly still hasn't hit me that I'm going to be a father. That I'm going to be in control of somebody else's life.

When I get out of the shower, I go back into the den to check on Emily. She's knocked out on the couch. I pick her up and carry her to the bed.

*The Next Day*


"I'm sooo hungry", I say walking in the kitchen.

"My lil man must be hungry too", August says kissing my stomach.

I smile, "Can we go get something to eat babe?"

"Yeah, what you want?"

"Mmmm, Chi-"

"Not healthy enough", August says cutting me off.

"Fine, seafood", I say grabbing my purse. "Let's go"

When we get to the restaurant, it's packed. Probably because it's a Saturday.

"I really don't feel like dealing with paparazzi", I say taking my seatbelt off.

"You wanna go back home?"

"No it's fine, let's go"

When we get out the car, everybody starts screaming and yelling. I hold august's hand and wave to everyone as we walk into the restaurant.

"I think you were supposed to put that piece on first", I say handing August the other pieces to the crib.

Today were setting up Derek's nursery. I'm so excited for my son to get here.

August leans over and kisses my stomach. I smile and run my fingers through his curls.

"Babe, it's something I gotta tell you", August says sitting up.

"What is it?"

He doesn't say anything.

"August don't tell me, you cheated again", I say getting mad.

"No, baby of course not. I told in done with that. You know I'm going to be going on tour soon. For the summer jam fest"

"What? You can't, the baby is due in 3 weeks. And you can't leave me here by myself with a newborn baby"

"How am I going to cancel going on tour Em?"

"I don't know, but you better find a way", I say trying to get up. "Help me up!", I yell.

August rolls his eyes, and grabs my arm.

"And go check the mail to see if the pictures came in", I say walking out the room.

I go into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I turn on the tv.

"Natalie Ford, ex girlfriend of R&B Singer August Alsina, was released from prison this morning for the attempted murder of Emily Alsina, wife of August Alsina", the news reporter says on the tv.

"What the fuck?", I yell.

"What's wrong?", August says running in the room.

"Look!", I yell pointing to the tv. "She wasn't supposed to get out for another 10 years"

"I know, I'll go down to the courthouse and get everything figured out. I'll be back.", August says kissing me on the cheek.


When I pull up, I feel a funny feeling in my stomach. Is this right? Hell no. But it's too late now. I can't get the money back and I'm already here now. I get out of the car and walk to the door.

"Hey baby", Natalie says standing in the doorway with all black lingerie on.

She pulls me in and closes the door behind us.

"Thank you for bailing me out", she says pushing me down on the bed. "Lemme show you how much I appreciate you"

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