Chapter 16

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These past few days have been hell. August has barely been home. He's just been at Draya's house helping her take care of Jonathan. Sometimes even spending the night. I haven't heard from Fabulous after I saw him that night Draya had her baby. I mean, how do you sleep with me and then ignore me? I sit on the couch and turn the TV on.

"So fabulous, tell me... Is there a special lady in your life?", Wendy Williams says interviewing Fabulous.

"Nah, I'm young, grinding, living life in the fast lane. I get what I want from the ladies that give it up to me, and then continue on with my hustle"

"So basically you just sleep with groupies or women you meet, and that's it? No strings attached. No phone calls, nothing?"

"That's it.", Fabulous says shaking his head.

"And when is the last time you successfully did this?"

"A few days ago. Although this one was different, I was talking to her for a while, and I really started to like her. But she got way too much drama going on. So I got what I wanted, and was out."

"Wow, so ladies & gentlemen you heard the man. No lo-"

I turn the TV off. He's such a bitch! I can't believe I fell for his little games and lies and tricks. I'm so stupid!

I walk into the bedroom and begin to pack my stuff. I leave August a note on his side of the bed.

A lot has been going on lately. These last few days, Ive been stressed out so much. Physically and emotionally. I just need a break from everything and everybody. I'll be back in a week.


I grab my bags and walk out the house.


"I'll be back, I need to to check on Emily", I say walking out Draya's house. She rolls her eyes.

I pull up to the house and I notice Emily's car isn't there.

"Em, I'm home", I say walking into the house. I check all the rooms in the house. No Emily. I walk back into the kitchen and I find a note on the counter.

A lot has been going on lately. These last few days, Ive been stressed out so much. Physically and emotionally. I just need a break from everything and everybody. I'll be back in a week.


Damn! Here I go fucking up once again. I walk outside and check the mail.

Grady Memorial Hospital
To: Mr. August A. Alsina

One of the envelopes read. I open it.

Dear Mr. Alsina,
We received your request to have the following blood work done on your son Jonathan Alsina:

1. DNA/ Genetics

Attached, are your test results. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Hospital Lab immediately with the following case number:


Best regards,
Dr. Kohl Lee M.D.

I take a deep breath, pray and begin to read the paper attached.

Jonathan Christopher Alsina
DOB: 5/28/14
SSN: 676-02-9356
Blood Type: A
Mother: Andraya M. Howard
Father: Unknown
Health Conditions: Slight case of Bronchitis
Delivery Doctor: Dr. Kohl Lee M.D.

Comments: August A. Alsina has been found to not be the father of Jonathan A. Alsina. More blood work will be done to determine the baby's father. If you would like your child's last name to be changed due to our recent findings, please contact the Georgia Department of Social Services. Any questions or concerns, please contact the hospital lab with the case number stated below:


I feel a smile come across my face. I look up and thank the man above. Now everything can go back to normal. And I can get my baby back. I pick up the phone and call my mom.


"Mama, I got some good news for you!"

"Hey August baby, what is it?"

"The test results came in the mail, I'm not the father"

"Ahhhh", she says screaming and laughing. I can feel her smile through the phone. "You see, God works wonders. He knew it wasn't the right time, or person to have a baby."

"Yeah, ima definitely have to hit up church this Sunday."

"Your black ass should be going every Sunday, if I was God I woulda made you keep the baby!"

"Ma chill, but Ill call you later, I gotta call Emily", I say hanging up.

I press Emily's contact to call her. It rings for a while and then goes to voicemail.

"Em please call me when you get a chance. I really need to talk to you."

I get my keys & jacket and head to hang with the guys.

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