Chapter 26

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"What the fuck bitch? So I see you didn't learn your lesson last night huh?", Natalie says storming in the house.

Emily starts screaming and crying.

"Did you do this to her Natalie?", I yell.

"August stay in your place", Natalie says jumping on Emily.

She starts punching and kicking her. I pull her off of Emily.

"Stop! What the hell is wrong with you?", I yell.

"So your gonna take up for her August? I'm getting sick and tired of this!", Natalie yells storming to the bedroom.

She comes back, and she has my gun in her hand.

"Natalie what are you doing with that? Put it down!", I yell walking towards her.


Emily falls to the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck out of my house!", I yell falling to my knees beside Emily.

"Fuck you August!", Natalie yells storming out the house, slamming the door behind her.

"Emily! Talk to me please Em"

"August help me", Emily struggles to say.

"I'm going to get help! Just stay with me", I say getting up.

I grab my phone off the counter and call 911. Within 15 minutes the police and paramedics arrive. They take Emily to the hospital and take me to the police station for questioning.

"Did you shoot Emily?", the police ask.

"No I would never do anything to hurt Emily. Natalie shot her."

"Who is Natalie?", another police ask.

"She was my girlfriend until now."

After the questioning they release me. They got the finger prints off the gun and saw that it was Natalie that shot Emily. I head to the hospital to check on her.

"I'm here to see Emily Johnson", I say to the receptionist.

"Room 609", she says handing me a visitors pass.

It seems like every time I come to a hospital it's for something bad.

I walk into room 609 and I see Emily sound asleep laying in the bed. I sit down in the chair next to her and hold her hand.

I hear a knock on the door and a doctor walks in.

"Hi, you must be her fiancé? August right?", the doctor says.

"Yeah", I say shaking his hand.

"She was talking about you the whole ambulance ride. But she had two bullets in her side. We managed to get both bullets out"

"Will she be okay?"

"Fortunately, they didn't hit any major arteries or organs, so yes she will be fine. Right now she's asleep from surgery. So don't worry, she's not in a coma or anything", the doctor informs me.

"Thank God"

"Do you have any questions?"

"When will she wake up?", I ask.

"The medicine should wear off in about an hour or so"

"Okay thank you so much", I say shaking his hand.

*5 Days Later*

"You hungry?", I say walking into the bedroom.

She doesn't respond. She hasn't been talking to me every since we got back from the hospital.

"Emily can we talk?", I say sitting down on the bed beside her.

"What is there for us to talk about August? I got shot twice because of you"

"I know and I'm sorr-"

"August I love you, I really do, but you hurt me. And I don't want to be hurt again. These past few months have been hell for me and you threw me around like I was trash"

"Emily I'm sorry", I say grabbing her hand. "I'm sorry, I'm going to make everyth-"

"Save it August. As soon as I get better, I'm leaving. For good."

"Emily I-"

"Just leave me alone", she says turning back over.

I get up and walk out the room. Damn. What am I gonna do now? Cause I'm damn sure not letting her walk out of my life. I love her. I never stopped loving her. And I never will.


*1 Week Later*

Every since I got back from the hospital, August and I have been sleeping in separate bedrooms and not really speaking to each other. I would be gone, but the doctor said I can't live alone until after a month.

I walk into the kitchen to get the last piece of apple pie. I open the fridge and I see no pie.

"Where's my pie?", I say turning around.

"I don't know", August says playing the game.

I slam the refrigerator door shut and go into the bedroom. About 2 seconds later August comes into the bedroom.

"Emily we need to talk", he says getting on top of me pinning me down.

"August get off", I say struggling trying to push him off of me.

"Nah, I'm not moving until we talk"

Knowing he's stronger than me, I stop trying to free myself and I just lay there.

"Fine, but get off of me"

He let's me go and sits beside me on the bed.

"Emily I don't want us to be like this anymore. I understand your mad at me, but I'll do anything you want me to do to get you back"

"August, you put her before me and as a result I got shot twice. You think I can just forgive you because you said sorry?", I say sitting up.

"I understand that. But when your mom died, I did everything I could to be there for you. And you just left without telling me where you were going or when you'd be back. You left for two months. How do you think that made me feel?"

"I had a lot going on. You don't know what it feels like to lose your mother"

"I lost my pops, so I know what it feels like to lose a parent. I don't care what nobody says, it was wrong for you to leave when you had somebody here that was there for you"

I look down, knowing he's right.

"Emily I love you, so much. When you left, I was worried sick about you. That's why I started seeing Natalie, to get it off my mind. When you came back, I should have put you before her. But in the end, you were wrong for leaving Em", he says lifting my chin up.

Tears begin to roll down my face. August is right, he was there for me when my mom passed. I shouldn't have left him like that. Some of this is my fault too.

"I love you August, I just want to go back to planning our life together and being happy", I say crying into his shoulder.

"Me too baby, we are. I'm not leaving your side", he says comforting me.

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