Chapter 3

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It's been three years since I moved in with August. I graduated from Georgia Tech with my business degree. Everything has been perfect, too perfect. He's still spoiling me all the time and giving me all the attention in the world. Sometimes I get a little suspicious but I've never been more happier in my life.

"I'm hungry, you gone feed me?" August says walking into the kitchen. "What do you want babe? Pancakes?"

"I want you." He says, coming up behind me grabbing my waist and kissing my neck. I giggle. "August stop." He continues. "August seriously, stop." I saying moving out from his grip.

"Why do you do that shit every time I touch you Em? You cheating on me?" He says, getting irritated.

"August no, you know how I am about sex before marriage."

"Em we been together for almost 8 years now. I mean yeah, high school doesn't really count. But we been living together for 3 years. Damn, ima grown ass man. I should be able to make love to my woman when I want to. I want you Em & you not letting me have you." I look at him, and look down, and say nothing. He's right, but I'm just not ready. "You can't talk to me either?", he yells.

"I'm just not ready August." He walks out the kitchen and goes into our bedroom. I hear water running and shuffling around. When he comes out, he's dressed with his keys in his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"To think, clear my mind." He says, walking out. Why do I have to be so difficult? & mess everything up?


"Pass me the lighter." I say sitting down.

"What's going on? You look stressed.", Jessica says lighting my blunt for me.

"Emily... She stressing a nigga out man."

"Well, what'd she do?" She says getting up, she walks behind me and starts massaging my shoulders.

"She won't let me hit. And I know it sounds dumb, but I been with this girl for a long time now and she keep saying she not ready. I don't cheat, but I mean I'm gettin tired of not getting none. I try not to think about it and I don't pressure her or keep askin or none of that shit. I should be able to make love to my women whenever I want to. Ya heard me?"

"Let me ease your mind. Let me do what she's not." she says getting on top of me.

"Jessica I can't do this. I can't cheat on Emily. Especially not with her best friend. Come on now." I say getting up.

"Then why the fuck did you come here?"

"Just to talk, nothing else, nothing more. Just talk."

"Whatever August, call me when you want a real bitch." she says walking towards the door. She opens the door, waiting for me to leave.


"Emily Johnson", the nurse says looking for me out in the waiting room. I get up and follow her to the back. "Wait in here, the doctor will be with you any minute.", the nurse says walking out. I wait for about 10 minutes, when the doctor finally walked in.

"Hi, I'm so sorry about the wait. I'm so busy today. I'm Dr.Ford" the doctor says, reaching her hand out. I shake her hand and sit back in the chair.

"So what are we here for today?"

"I wanted to get on birth control."

"Are you sexually active?"

"Not yet, that's why I wanted to get on birth control before I am.", I explain.

"Very smart idea Emily, we're you thinking about using the pill or getting the monthly shot?"

"I think I want the shot." She goes on to explain the symptoms and side effects and when I'll start and what I have to do while I'm on birth control.

"Thank you so much." I shake her hand and walk out.

*2 Weeks Later*

"August and Emily your on in 5." I get the last touches done to my hair and makeup.

"Nervous?", August says walking over to me.

"Just a little, could you get me some water please babe?"

"Anything for you", he says kissing my forehead.

"Can I get you anything ma'am?", a lady asks walking towards me. "Oh, no thank you, I'm fine." I respond. She nods and walks away.

"Here you go", August says handing me a bottle of water. "Thank you.", I stand up and fix his collar.

"August and Emily your on!" August grabs my hand, and we walk out on stage to the Wendy Williams Show.

"Welcome Back everyone! Today we have some special guests with us today. Everyone please give it up fur August Alsina and his girlfriend Emily Johnson!" Everyone begins to stand up, clap, and scream. Mostly for August. I just sit there next to him, smiling.

"How you dooooin?" Wendy laughs. "August how has everything been for you? I know going from just a normal life to a superstar must be an amazing feeling."

"It is, it's been an amazing experience that gets better everyday and there's not a second that goes by that I don't thank God for it. Ya heard me?"

"So what are you working on now? Any tours? An album? EP?"

"Uhh, right now I'm working on my EP, Downtown: Life Under The Gun, it's dedicated to my older brother Melvin, who got killed a few years ago. "

"I'm so sorry to hear that August, I know that must have been hard for you. Now let's get into what everybody's been waiting to hear. Who is this pretty young lady sitting next to you?" Wendy says, looking at me. I feel my stomach start to turn.

"This is my girlfriend Emily, we've been dating since the 9th grade." The crowd begins to aww.

"Aw, high school sweethearts. Emily tell me, how do you deal with groupies?" For a second I'm lost, is she asking me? I'm not prepared to answer any questions! I feel like I could throw up. Why am I so nervous?

"Well, I don't really have to. August has always made it really easy to trust him. He's always been very loyal to me."

"Isn't that sweet? Well, that's all the time we have for today everyone." Wendy says standing up. We hug her, wave to the crowd, and walk off stage.

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