Chapter 1

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Nick's POV

A crying fills the room and a nurse takes my crying son then begins to clean him within a few seconds I'm being rushed out of the room. I hear the doctors start talking about bleeding then I see a large pool of blood gathering in the floor the door shuts and I'm left standing in an empty hall way I take a deep breath then walk down the hall and look in the nursery. I see my baby in a tiny see through bed with baby Carter on a blue card Amanda and I still haven't chosen a name yet I sigh then go to the waiting room and sit down. A few hours later a doctor walks in then he walks over to me and I stand up "Is she okay?" "There was a complication with the delivery there were a lot of complications there was a lot of bleeding and we weren't able to stop it she didn't make it I'm very sorry for your loss." I sit down then run my hands through my hair I had lost the woman I loved I was a single father I didn't even know what to name our son. I stay in the waiting room then the tears fall.


Once everything checks out with the baby I'm able to take him home I had named him Adam Nickolas Carter since it was close to Amanda's name. Aaron, the guys and all their wives come down to help me adjust and they stay at the house with me while they are there I plan Amanda's funeral and begin to get Adam on a schedule.

 Aaron, the guys and all their wives come down to help me adjust and they stay at the house with me while they are there I plan Amanda's funeral and begin to get Adam on a schedule

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Kevin's POV

Today was the day of Amanda's funeral we all wanted to be there for Nick especially on a day like today but someone needed to stay with Adam since he was only a few days old. After we talk about it Kristin volunteers to stay with Adam she knew that Nick would need all of us plus Aaron to be with him during the service plus it would be her chance to help in some way. We leave the funeral home, Aaron rides with Nick in the hearse while the guys and I ride in the car behind Nick he asked us to carry her casket today was going to be hard on everyone mainly Nick we were all hurting for him this wasn't going to be easy.

Aaron's POV

I sit next to Nick during the funeral I look over at him and take in my brother all the energy and fun that made who him who he was is gone. His eyes had dark circles under them and he hadn't shaved in a few days losing Amanda crushed him I know that he loved her she was a great person and she loved him for who he was having to go through something like this. He had placed his ring in the casket with her and her engagement ring was on her finger Nick had been so happy about getting married and becoming a dad but it didn't work out that way I know right now wasn't a good time to say anything but maybe one day he would find someone else that he loved and hopefully she would love him.

Nick's POV

I stay by Amanda's grave for a few hours after everyone leaves I just wanted to be with her for a while I sigh then look at the casket across from me. "Adam is doing great he's growing already he has my hair but has your eyes, I tell him about you all the time I really miss you I wish you could be here I don't know how to do this without you I know you would have been an amazing mother." I sigh then sit in the silent cemetery thinking and waiting for sign on what I needed to do. I get up walk over the casket "I love you I promise I won't forget you." I walk away from Amanda's graveside I get in my car then start the drive home.

" I walk away from Amanda's graveside I get in my car then start the drive home

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Nick Carter:Single DadWhere stories live. Discover now