Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

Today was a bad day it started just as soon as Adam and I woke up this morning. He woke up crying and screaming I give him a bottle, change him, burp him, play music, sing to him I do everything that I can possibly think of but nothing helps and he doesn't stop crying when the crying continues for a few hours I sit down on the couch. I start feeling overwhelmed and I'm completely drained I pull out my phone find Mal's number then call her and pray that she answers a few minutes later she does. "Hello?" "Hey Mal it's Nick can you please come over I need help with Adam I can't get him to stop crying." "Relax yes I'll come where do you live?" I give her my address then she promises to be here in a little I really hoped she could help.

Mallory's POV

I arrive at Nick's house then knock on the door Nick opens it a few minutes later he has dark circles under his eyes I can tell how tired he is I knew how it felt to be alone with a baby. I walk in the house then look up at Nick "go crash on the couch I've got this." I pick up Adam then he stops crying I tickle him which causes him to giggle. "Hello there handsome I have my own handsome boy at him he's at a sleepover tonight." I go to the nursery then feed him and start rocking him I realize what Adam is wanting he wants mommy he didn't know she was gone I burp him then change him and go in the living room with him. I look on the couch and see Nick sleeping I smile then entertain Adam until he falls asleep.

Nick's POV

I yawn then sit up and stretch I look down at my watch then do a double take I had been asleep for almost three hours I look around and panic at the quietness Adam wasn't crying and screaming. I stand up then take a deep breath and smell food I walk in the kitchen and see Mallory cooking dinner I look down and see Adam playing quietly in his play pen this was how it's supposed to be. I was caught off guard by seeing Mal, could this be my future it had only been a few months since Amanda died was I ready to think about being with someone else she turns around then looks at me and smiles. "Hello sleepyhead how did you sleep? I hope you don't mind but I made dinner." I shake my head then walk over and sit down. She puts the food on the table and it looks good I fix my plate she had made lasagna, salad and garlic bread it tasted amazing.

Mallory's POV

Nick and I talk while we are eating dinner so we can get to know each other better he talks about his fiancé and I can tell how much he loved her she was a lucky girl, Nick and I end up having a nice evening. I help give Adam a bath, then a bottle and put him down for the night I get ready to leave and Nick walks me to my car he looks at me. "Thank you for dinner, and for helping with Adam you should bring your son over sometime to play." "You're welcome I'll bring him for a visit sometime." He nods then looks at me and smiles. "Goodnight Mal." "Goodnight Nick." I get in my car and start driving home tonight had been really nice I didn't get to have a lot of adult conversation or go out for dinner so I really enjoyed myself.

Nick's POV

That night I go to bed feeling a lot better than I had in a while. It felt good to have someone who's a single parent to talk to and help me out Mal knew exactly what I was going through. She was a great person she was nice to me and great with Adam she was starting to become a great friend I should return the favor I'm sure she had moments where she needed help plus her son was four the age to learn sports and do things with his dad. I sigh then let out a yawn reach over and turn off the lamp then fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Nick Carter:Single DadWhere stories live. Discover now