Chapter 5

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Nick's POV

Mal and Landon leave later that evening Adam and I had a lot of fun today it was nice to feel like a family. I liked the feeling but at the same time I wondered if it was too soon it had only been five months since Amanda died I knew that she would always be in my heart I wondered if I could find happiness with someone else. I knew it was soon but I couldn't stop my feelings I was beginning to fall for Mal I take a deep breath then look down at Adam sleeping as I continue thinking to myself. I walk in his nursery then lay him in his crib turn on the lamp then walk out and crack the door behind me and make my decision. I was going to try and move on with Mallory.

Mallory's POV

I had a good time today so did Landon he enjoyed playing with Nick. We get home and I give him a bath then fix dinner for the two of us after dinner he lays on the couch and watches TV until he falls asleep I put him to bed then go to my room and start thinking to myself. I was starting to get attached to Adam he was such a cute baby, plus I was starting to like Nick more than a friend I hadn't had feelings for anyone since Landon's dad and I split up while I was pregnant I sigh then take a deep breath and go to my room. I lay in bed and continue thinking about how I'm falling for Nick.


Kevin's POV

I look down when my phone starts ringing it was Nick calling I hadn't heard from him in a few weeks so I was surprised that he was calling. "Hey Nick how are things going? How's Adam?" I hear him take a deep breath before he answers my question "Adam is good, things are great I called because I need your advice on something." That hadn't happened in a while and I wondered if Nick was okay. "What's going on Nick?" "I met a girl she's great with Adam, she's a single mom she has her own son I like her and I think I'm falling for her but I don't know if I should ask her out." He didn't want to let go he wasn't sure if he could do that to Amanda. "Do what feels right Nick do what your heart tells you. Amanda wouldn't want you to be alone forever she would want you to be happy and find someone that loves you and Adam." He's silent for a few minutes then he speaks. "You're right thanks Kevin." He hangs up and I'm happy because Nick was putting himself back together.

Nick's POV

When I put Adam down for his nap that afternoon I take a deep breath as I walk in the living room, pull out my phone then find Mal's number I was going to ask her out. I press call then wait and she answers a little later "Hi Nick" "M...Mal... hey... Hi... I was wondering... I mean... are you busy? Could we?" I stop talking then pull myself together then start over again. "Sorry about that I don't mean to sound so dumb I'm really nervous. Mal I like you a lot and I was wondering if you would like to go out." I had asked her now I just hoped that she would say yes "that sounds great I would love to go out how about Friday night?" I was happy she said yes. "Friday sounds great." Now to get through the week.

Mallory's POV

Throughout the week, I constantly think about my date with Nick on Friday I was excited which was probably why the week was passing so slowly. I was nervous to this would be my first date in a while I leave Landon with a friend then prepare myself for my date I take a long shower, shave my legs, once I'm done with that I start looking through my closet for something to wear. I decide on a simple white dress with a pair of wedged heels, I take a deep breath then finish getting ready I pick up a necklace that I had gotten for Mother's Day then put it on and hear a knock this was it time for my date with Nick.

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