Chapter 34

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Mallory's POV

I sigh then take a deep breath when I get in bed Nick wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest. He starts rubbing my back I look at him "I'm sorry about my parents asking you these questions." "They just want to know me they want to make sure I'm not going to hurt you or Landon don't worry about them I'm still going to marry you." I relief wash through me. I didn't want to lose Nick just because my parents had a problem with the fact Nick was part of a singing group hopefully this visit would fly by and we could go back home to Orlando soon I just hope they didn't say anything too harsh to Nick.

Nick's POV

I wake up early the next morning before Mal and the boys do I walk out of the bedroom then go into the kitchen and see Mallory's parents sitting there. I take a deep breath then walk over to the table it was time for me to have my own talk with them, "I know you don't approve of me or my career but I make a lot of money I can provide for Mal and your grandson I loved both of them and I'm going to marry your daughter." They look at me and they are surprised. Her dad looks at me "We misjudged you and I apologize I'm sorry for what was said to you I'm glad you make my grandson and daughter happy." Finally, we were all on the same page with each other.


Mallory's POV

I look over at Nick while we're on the flight back to Orlando I sigh then lay my head on his shoulder he kisses my head and I look up at him. "Thank you for putting up with my parents this week I know it was hard on you." He reaches over then holds my hand "You don't have to thank me it was something I needed to do before we got married." I kiss the side of his neck then look out the window Adam and Landon were both sleeping so it was just me and Nick. I couldn't wait to be back in our own house and our own beds I loved my family and where I was from but Florida was my home now I wanted to be here with Nick and the boys.

Nick Carter:Single DadWhere stories live. Discover now