Chapter Two

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Damien's P.O.V.

Frankie Brooks, a girl I never thought I would see again. I remember when I first met Frankie on the set of "So Random!" and she was sitting crisscross on the floor, reading the one page script they gave us to memorize. Everyone had something different and they had different parts, but when I saw how frustrated Frankie got, I smiled and decided to help her.

Just like I did today.

I walked up in front of her and she looked at me as I went to sit down. She was too stressed out to even say anything to me but until I held my hand out, she handed me her script and I looked at it. I started reading the lines to her in a female voice and that stressed out expression on her face, changed to her trying to hold back a smile and a laugh. After she finally let out a laugh, I laughed with her.

The thing I learned about her that day was that she couldn't stay mad for long or maybe she just couldn't be mad around me. Either way, I knew there was something deeper in Frankie Brooks and she was too afraid of letting it out. Shayne got along with her as well, but something was different when she was around me.

Might've just been me, but who knows? She probably wouldn't have ever thought about dating me.

I pulled up at the Smosh Games HQ (had taken Joven's car since he was too lazy to even think about getting anybody food) and parked in front of the building. I took the keys out and opened my door, but left it open and reached my arm over to the passenger seat to grab the doughnuts box and everyone's snacks for today. I pulled them out and got out of the car, backing my back into the car door to shut it. Mainly my butt pushed it, but I won't let Joven know that.

I walked up front door and put the bag of snacks on top of the doughnuts box. I opened the door and walked in to see everyone surrounding this inflatable ball, kicking it around and kicking it at people. When it got to Boze, she looked over at me and her mouth dropped. "The doughnuts are here" she said, then kicks the ball and it strikes Joven right in the mouth.

I chuckled and walked over to the table to set the box and bag down. Everyone ran up to the doughnuts box and I backed away while laughing to see everyone pushing each other for a doughnut. "Thanks Damien!" Mari shouted out as she spit some of the doughnut out towards me. I chuckled and nodded my head. I fixed my glasses and reached over to grab the one doughnut that I knew Shayne wanted.

A while ago when we got doughnuts, there was a bacon doughnut he wanted, but Ian took it and Shayne complained about it for the whole day. And when Shayne complains, it's never ending. But as the best friend I am, I made sure to get an extra one for him before someone took it.

I sat it on a napkin and carried it as I walked over to the room where Shayne and I shoot our "Shameless Games With Shayne's and Dames". Shayne should be in there trying to pick out other mod games for us to play, but it's more Shayne trying to perfect himself so when he plays on camera, he won't fuck up in front of his fans.

He was sitting on the couch and staring at the tv screen playing Skyrim. Makes me glad I left him to help pick new mod games out. "Hey man" I said to him. He looked up and gasped, putting his hand on his chest and dropping the controller. "Got you a little something."

"Aww, you shouldn't have" Shayne said very girly. "I didn't realize it was our anniversary today. I would've got you something and I would've done something with my hair, like come on, Dame!"

"Like I had to, Shayne" I said in a girly voice. "It's the least I can do for someone like you." He grinned and winked at me, but at that point, we both laughed at each other. "It's the bacon doughnut you've been talking about for a week now. I made sure there was a few in there so you could get one."

My Ex's Best Friend / d.h.Where stories live. Discover now