Chapter Eighteen

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"So you're telling me that you're finally off from work, but you're spending your day off with Damien?" Becca asked me. I smirked at her and slightly nodded. We were in the kitchen and I was sitting on the counter while Becca was leaned up on the refrigerator. "Wow, being replaced every single day."


"I'm kidding, Franks!" she said to me. I nervously chuckled and looked down at the floor. "I like seeing this side of you now. You're genuinely happy and I can't help but to be happy for you. You deserve this." I smiled and looked at her. "How are his fans taking it? Do they officially know?"

"Damien has..." she snorted and I shook my head at her. I said "has" and it makes her laugh because of his last name being "Haas". She can be such a loser sometimes. "He had put photos up on Instagram and a lot of people are either shipping us or asking who I was. A lot of people are positive about us and that makes me really happy." My smile slowly went away and I looked down at the floor once again. "But..."

"Frankie, don't," she said to me. "If you keep bringing up how you're afraid that Shayne is going to say something to Damien, it's going to drive you crazy and you're going to end up showing how bothered you are by it. What are you going to do if you and Damien are hanging out one day and this thought comes into your mind and he notices something is wrong?"


"Are you going to lie to your boyfriend?" Becca asked me. I shook my head. "That's my point, Franks. You gotta stay positive about it and realize that this is all in the past." I slightly nodded and Becca sighed. "I know what you're thinking." I looked at her and she had her arms crossed at me. "I know apart of you wants to tell Damien the truth, but the other part is scared that it'll ruin Shayne and Damien's friendship."

"You just know me so well, Rebecca," I said with a small chuckled and I ruffled my hand through my hair. The blue was starting to look really good on me and even though I knew it was going to fade, I knew it was something I would keep up on. "I just know that if I do say something about what happened between Shayne and I in the Smosh Games office, Damien will approach Shayne and Shayne will tell Damien what I did in our past relationship."

"But here's the funny thing, Frankie; Shayne is going to be jeopardizing his friendship with Damien if he even thinks about doing that," she pointed out. "I seriously don't think you have anything to worry about. I think Shayne was in over his head and wasn't thinking clearly when he threatened you."

Before I could say anything, my phone went off from a text message. I turned my head to the left and picked my phone up with my left hand (since my phone sat beside me on the counter) and checked the message. "It's my mother," I said to Becca. I looked up to see Becca's eyes widen and I looked back down to see the message.

Lunch today, 1 pm at restaurant Gwen. I know you don't have work today and I know your boyfriend has to be given a lunch break at his "job" so today is the best day. Stewart and I have already got a table and we will be there soon. Don't take too long.

"Well?" Becca asked me. I looked up at her, but wasn't able to say anything because we heard a knock at the door. "That's your boy toy." She grinned at me and skipped to the front door while I just giggled and shook my head at her. She opened the door and looked to see the biggest grin on her face. "Hello there, Damien Haas."

"Well hi there, Rebecca Valentine," Damien said to her. She moved out of the way and Damien walked into our apartment. I smiled to see Damien wearing a jean jacket, his green flannel, and jeans to go with it. Not to mention his brown leather shoes that are so damn adorable on him. "I didn't expect such a warm welcome from my girlfriends roommate."

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